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Bruce Taylor

Senior Fellow
Bruce manages research projects and leads business development in the intersecting areas of violence, health, and criminal justice.

Bruce is a senior fellow with NORC at the University of Chicago in the Public Health department. He has over 29 years of experience in applied research, field experiments, and statistical analysis. His work includes multi-method approaches using nationally representative household panels; organizational surveys with service providers, jails, and law enforcement; and the collection of survey and biospecimen data. He has conducted studies on violence prevention, violent offenders, victimization, policing, substance use and stigma towards substance use. His work has focused on identifying demographic and contextual explanations for a variety of forms of violent and related risky behaviors. He has conducted research funded by a number of U.S. federal sources, such as the Department of Defense, Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Justice. His research has also been supported by state and municipal sources, along with several foundations and other private sources. 

At NORC, Bruce is the co-principal investigator (Co-PI) of two Department of Defense evaluation contracts: Innovations in Sexual Assault Preventions Pilot Program (ISAPPP) Evaluation and the Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance Center (ETAC).  For the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), he is the project director for a study on youth health and wellness issues and the PI for a grant on youth firearm violence perpetration using a nationally representative longitudinal design. For NIH, he is a Co-I for the Justice Justice-Community Opioid Innovation Network’s (JCOIN), Methodology Center (MAARC) analyzing the effectiveness of the JCOIN network of 11 clinical research centers testing the effectiveness of medicated assisted treatments for opioid use disorder. He was a Co-PI of the first comprehensive nationally representative longitudinal youth violence panel (STRiV) for eight years, a Co-PI of the Interpersonal Conflict and Resolution (iCOR) Study of young adults, and a Co-PI of the first national survey on victim service providers.

Prior to joining NORC, Bruce’s early work in violence research explored the psychological recovery process of sexual assault victims and explored the correlates of post-crime distress and social networks. In the mid to late 1990s, he implemented a five-year program of experimental longitudinal studies in New York City on the effects of a variety of interventions on the problem of intimate partner violence (IPV). This work was followed by randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the effectiveness of batterer treatment programs for men in community and jail-based settings. Since 2005, with funding from three U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) grants and two contracts from the CDC, he conducted a series of field experiments on the effectiveness of primary prevention programs on IPV and sexual violence. Also, from 1998 to 2002, he was the deputy director of the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program, a program within the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice.



Rutgers University


Rutgers University


St. John’s University

Appointments & Affiliations

Chair, Justice-Community Opioid Innovation Network and Member, Survey Advisory Workgroup

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Editorial Board Member

Police Quarterly

Editorial Advisory Board Member

Criminology and Public Policy

Scientific Reviewer

National Science Foundation

Honors & Awards

AEC Fellow | 2012

Academy of Experimental Criminology

Academic Excellence Scholarship | 1990

Rutgers University

Project Contributions

National Survey on Teen Relationships and Intimate Violence (STRiV)

A longitudinal social epidemiological study of youth and young adult experiences of aggression and violence, parent/caregiver perspectives, and relevant risk and protective factors


National Institute of Justice

HeartMath for Youth Resiliency & Violence Prevention

Pilot testing an educational program to build youth resilience and conflict management skills


Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Advancing Metrics for Sexual Harassment Prevention in STEM

Developing metrics to assess sexual harassment prevention, outreach, and response in STEM


National Science Foundation

Media Influence on Opioid Stigma & Policy Support

Analyzing how partisan media shapes views on opioid use disorder and influences policy


National Institute on Drug Abuse

Public & Law Enforcement Safety in the Implementation of Red Flag Laws

Studying the implementation of extreme risk protection orders across 10 U.S. law enforcement agencies


National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research

A National Survey of Police Officer-Involved Firearm Shootings

A nationally representative survey of law enforcement on use of force and officer-involved shootings


The National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research

Incident-Level Data of Police Use of Force

Incident-level use of force and officer-involved shooting database across 26 law enforcement agencies spread across the U.S.


National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research

The Law Enforcement Officer Safety & Wellness Initiative

Tracking safety and wellbeing in the first nationally representative sample of active-duty officers


National Institute of Justice

Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance Center (ETAC)

Evaluation training, TA, and rigorous evaluations for DoD sexual assault prevention activities


Department of Defense (DoD)

Campus Sexual Assault Responses (CSAR)

The first nationally representative study to investigate campuses’ cooperative approaches to addressing sexual assault


National Institute of Justice

Analyzing Opioid Epidemic Narratives on Social Media

Researching how popular social media content shapes perceptions of the opioid epidemic


National Institute on Drug Abuse

Support for the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network

Building the evidence base for addressing opioid use disorder (OUD) stigma and access to OUD treatment


National Institute of Drug Abuse

Evaluating the U.S. Military’s Sexual Assault Prevention Programs

Rigorous evaluation of five initiatives aimed at preventing sexual harassment and sexual assault


U.S. Department of Defense

Growing Up with Guns Study

The first nationally representative longitudinal survey of youth and young adults on exposure to firearm violence


Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

HHS OMH Performance Improvement Management System

Identifying best and promising practices to improve the health of the U.S. population


DHHS Office of Minority Health
