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RTAC Hosts Webinar Series on Using the Research Translation Toolkit

NORC Article

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August 2023

The Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC), which NORC leads for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), recently hosted a four-part webinar series about its Research Translation Toolkit. Research translation is the process of transforming research findings into communication tools and strategic action plans that practitioners can use to improve programs and policies. 

The webinar series provided an overview of the toolkit and a deep dive into each of the toolkit’s three sections: a stakeholder analysis, communication products, and a Research-to-Action plan. Guest speakers shared real-world examples of how they used the processes from the toolkit in their work. In total, the webinar series attracted 356 participants from 46 countries. 

At USAID’s request, NORC presented a fifth public webinar related to the Research Translation Toolkit for the Agency Learning and Evidence Month. The fifth webinar attracted 115 participants from 20 countries. 

This article is from our flagship newsletter, NORC Now. NORC Now keeps you informed of the full breadth of NORC’s work, the questions we help our clients answer, and the issues we help them address.

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