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Fighting human exploitation with hard evidence.

It may be the 21st century, but modern slavery—including labor exploitation and sex trafficking of children and adults—persists in almost every part of the globe. NORC’s subject matter experts and statisticians help decision-makers worldwide combat trafficking and exploitation by surveying hard-to-reach exploited populations. 

Our cutting-edge sampling techniques and ability to conduct rapid ad-hoc studies on people in vulnerable situations allow us to identify victims, estimate prevalence, assess the effectiveness of anti-trafficking interventions, and develop unparalleled evidence-based policy recommendations and strategies.

Program Area Director

Hard-to-Reach Populations & People in Vulnerable Situations Experts

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NORC’s ability to study people in vulnerable situations has informed anti-trafficking and anti-exploitation efforts around the globe.

Most Kenyan Migrants Experience Workplace Abuse in Gulf States

NORC Article

A NORC study finds that almost all Kenyan migrant workers returning from six Gulf Cooperation Council countries report being victims of forced labor.

Hard-to-Reach Populations & People in Vulnerable Situations Program Area

NORC Article

The study reveals key trends and gaps related to technology-facilitated GBV in Asia, which is becoming increasingly concerning as internet usage expands across the globe.

Child Sex Exploitation in Kenya

Examining the prevalence of child sex exploitation and the effectiveness of programs to fight it.


Global Fund to End Modern Slavery