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A large-scale standing panel of U.S. households, delivering rapid, accurate, and cost-effective surveys.

The AmeriSpeak Panel gives NORC’s clients a breakthrough option for conducting statistical surveys of the U.S. population. We offer speed, cost-effectiveness, and the reliability that comes with enhanced representativeness of the public.

How It Works

AmeriSpeak employs a variety of methods, including in-person outreach, to recruit difficult-to-reach groups. Young adults, the less educated, rural residents, and low-income households have long been a challenge for surveys. Our approach overcomes those obstacles, with an industry-leading response rate

The result: impressively accurate surveys, backed up by an innovative sample-quality report card. Our experts work closely with clients to incorporate questions into our ongoing surveys or customize research for them alone. 

AmeriSpeak has built a strong reputation among commercial and nonprofit clients, and its panel is also emerging as a powerful tool for federally funded research. For example, the quick-turnaround capability of AmeriSpeak helped the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention track teen mental health during the pandemic. And the maintenance of our panel makes AmeriSpeak equally effective at federal longitudinal surveys.

Contact Us

Are you interested in conducting research with AmeriSpeak, or want to learn more about our panel? Please contact:
AmeriSpeak Overview Diagram

Powered by AmeriSpeak’s Panel

A representative sample of U.S. households is recruited and ready to answer clients’ crucial questions. NORC services powered by the AmeriSpeak Panel include:

AmeriSpeak Omnibus

Clients can include their questions in our twice-a-month Omnibus surveys, which offer rapid turnaround.

AmeriSpeak Omnibus

AmeriSpeak Latino

Our bilingual interviewers keep track of the fastest-growing demographic group in the country.

AmeriSpeak Latino

AmeriSpeak Teen

Young people can be difficult to track down and survey, but our energetic approach gets results.

AmeriSpeak Teen

AmeriSpeak Federal

We deliver the highest response rate probability panel in the country to U.S. government agencies and departments.

AmeriSpeak Federal


We enhance nonprobability samples by combining them with findings from AmeriSpeak’s scientifically rigorous panel.

Foresight 50+

In a partnership between NORC and AARP, we monitor the attitudes and behaviors of people aged 50 and over.


We track the 18-to-34 U.S. population and can oversample young people of color when appropriate.


AmeriSpeak Experts

AmeriSpeak Projects

AAPI Data/AP-NORC Monthly Poll

The nation’s first ever regular poll of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders



America in One Room

A “deliberative polling” experiment to bridge American partisanship


Stanford University