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Audrey Weiss

Principal Research Scientist
Audrey focuses on research and initiatives aimed at understanding and improving health care quality, access, and delivery.

Audrey is a principal research scientist with 20 years of experience leading health services research projects for federal clients including the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). She has substantial expertise and experience across a range of health care policy, program, and outcomes topics, including health care delivery and payment system reform, potentially preventable/chronic health conditions, hospital readmissions, maternal and neonatal health outcomes, and mental health and substance use disorders. Audrey’s work involves both quantitative (e.g., quasi-experimental designs and surveys) and qualitative (e.g., environmental scans) methods, and she has a wealth of experience using real world data (RWD) as well as conducting primary data collection. She has more than 70 published peer-reviewed articles and technical reports.

Audrey serves as both a project leader and active researcher. She is currently program director for ASPE’s Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) contract. Previously, Audrey led research, statistical, and technical work on the AHRQ Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) and she has been the project director for multiple CMS Medicare implementation contracts that have involved testing new value-based care and delivery system reform initiatives, including medical homes and cancer prevention/treatment.

Audrey has a wide range of research publications and reports including recent work examining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and childbirth delivery outcomes (2023); exploring characteristics of hospital stays among children and adolescents (2022); investigating county-level determinants of high opioid-related hospitalization rates (2022); identifying the most frequent reasons for emergency department visits (2021); assessing methods for calculating patient travel distance to hospitals using HCUP data (2021); examining the impact of hurricanes on injury-related emergency department visits (2020); geographic variation in potentially preventable inpatient stays for chronic health conditions (2020); and readmissions following inpatient treatment for opioid-related conditions (2019).



University of California, Santa Barbara


University of California, Santa Barbara


Wells College


Project Management Institute

Project Contributions
