Jim Jones
At NORC, Jim provides his expertise on various projects related to Medicaid, human service programs, ACA programs or health plans. With his background in both state government and in consulting, Jim is able to help various teams understand how best to communicate with government and how to maximize our consulting capabilities to best serve our clients.
Illustrative of his work at NORC is the Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Value Based Purchasing project that was completed for the State of Washington. In this project, we designed an episode of care model that rewarded those providers who achieved the best outcomes for Medicaid member persons giving birth.
Jim was Wisconsin’s Medicaid Director tor three years and Deputy Director for four years. In total, Jim worked in a variety of positions across the Medicaid division over 34 years. Jim also spent three years working as a consultant with Sellers Dorsey and eight years working for Deloitte Consulting. During that time, Jim worked with 26 states, four health plans, four different federal agencies (CMCS, CMMI, CCIIO and CDC), and numerous nonprofit foundations.
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University of Wisconsin-Madison