Kate Bachtell
Kate oversees research for federal organizations and agencies like the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB), Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA), and National Science Foundation (NSF), along with academic partners. She has twenty years of experience managing a wide range of data collection activities, including questionnaire design, cognitive testing, interviewer training, participant recruitment, in-depth interviewing, data review, and data harmonization. Her recent methodological research focuses on monetary incentives and adaptive survey design. Kate also has 16 years of experience conducting community-based, longitudinal research focused on child and family well-being.
Kate is currently assistant project director for the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), sponsored by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The SCF data inform a wide variety of economic policy decisions across the government and research on the economic state of the American family. She formerly served project director of the 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. For this study, NORC expects to conduct more than 200,000 interviews across four waves for the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and sixteen state wildlife agencies. Kate also served as associate project director for the Making Connections Survey, a ten-year study of low-income communities funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Following survey data collection, Kate provided technical assistance and mentoring to external users of longitudinal datasets and coordinated research awards with three cohorts of longitudinal data users.
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Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Chicago
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Project Contributions
NORC Modernizes a Landmark Survey, Finds Record Growth in Outdoor Pursuits & Spending
NORC Article | December 21, 2023
opens in new tab"Elusive Respondents: Target Interventions for Challenging Geographic 'Hot-Spots.'"
Journal Article | August 26, 2016
opens in new tab"Using Propensity Scores to Inform Respondent Incentive Escalation."
Journal Article | July 23, 2016
opens in new tab"The Presence of Non-Parent Adults and Economic Realities for Children in Low-Income Neighborhoods."
Working Paper | March 15, 2016
opens in new tab"Encouraging Early Participation in a Lengthy Survey that Collects Sensitive Personal Data: Do Large Monetary Incentives Make a Difference?"
Journal Article | July 26, 2015
opens in new tab"Identifying Doubled-Up Households Using Survey Data."
Journal Article | August 13, 2014
opens in new tab"Coming and Going: Effects of Change in Household Composition on the Economic Wellbeing of Families with Children."
Book | December 13, 2013
opens in new tab"Tracking Mobility at the Household Level."
Journal Article | January 18, 2012