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Kate Hobson

Kate is well-versed in designing customized multimode approaches to data collection.

Kate is vice president of the Telephone Survey & Support Operations (TSSO) department at NORC and has overseen various projects for commercial, government, and academic clients. She provides support and direction to the wide range of survey data collection and support operations at NORC, managing more than 800 data collection focused employees, three NORC call centers and a mail and data processing operation, as well as maintaining strong relationships with contractors and vendors.  

In addition to Kate’s methodological expertise in CATI, CAWI, and paper modes and communication channels such as phone, text, mail, email, and webchat, she brings her knowledge of the ever-changing regulatory, legislative, and technical communications landscape to facilitate the compliance focused balance between efficiency and quality goals. Before joining NORC as an Operations Methodologist, she worked as a manager and senior manager of Operations at ACNielsen, Australia.



University of Queensland, Australia
