Micah Sjoblom
Micah is a vice president in the Economics, Justice, and Society department at NORC. He collaborates with department leadership to facilitate and direct department functions including recruitment and staffing, business development, and financial management. In addition to his department leadership role, Micah currently serves as the chair of NORC’s Institutional Review Board.
Micah has more than 25 years of experience working in research and survey management, with particular expertise in the lifecycle management of large-scale cross-sectional and panel surveys utilizing responsive design and multimode technical solutions to facilitate data collection. Micah’s responsibilities include the development and implementation of project management tools and indicators; the enhancement of training and oversight programs for large data collection teams (> 150 staff); and the promotion of measurement and monitoring techniques pertaining to quality assurance and process improvement across project tasks, milestones, and deliverables.
At NORC, Micah has led activities on several national surveys including data collection efforts for programs funded by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the National Science Foundation, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Agency for Children and Families, and the U.S. Census Bureau. For over 20 years, Micah has worked on the Survey of Consumer Finances, currently serving as senior advisor. Sponsored by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Survey of Consumer Finances collects detailed measures of wealth, including information on the assets, liabilities, and demographic characteristics of U.S. households. Micah also recently served as the director of field operations for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey, a continuous, multipurpose survey of a nationally representative sample of the Medicare population conducted for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Micah also plays a critical role in the development of effective teams and the promotion of knowledge-sharing across management and operational teams within NORC. This includes cultivating internal functional teams and building external partnerships to design effective and responsive research operations, while also fostering opportunities for staff growth and exploration through the development of innovative solutions. As an example of this collaborative exchange, Micah served as project director for NORC’s role in the Chicago COVID Contact Tracing Corps, leading a team of resource navigators trained to provide critical services and resources to Chicago residents in need during the pandemic.
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Hope College
Project Contributions
opens in new tab"Interviewing Techniques."
Journal Article | March 20, 2017
opens in new tab"An App to Facilitate Real Time Reporting of Interviewer Activities: Revelations and Outcomes of a Beta Test."
Journal Article | August 24, 2015
opens in new tab"A Data Quality Program for the Survey of Consumer Finances."
Journal Article | May 15, 2014
opens in new tab"Contacting Strategies and Incentives during the Field Period: Evidence from the SCF."
Journal Article | May 15, 2014
opens in new tab"Identifying Data Problems and Improving Data Quality in the Survey of Consumer Finances."
Journal Article | December 4, 2013
opens in new tab"National Survey of Early Care and Education: Summary Data Collection and Sampling Methodology."
Project Report | March 17, 2013
"National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997, Round 7 Final Report."
Project Report | June 27, 2006
"National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997, Round 6 Final Report."
Project Report | June 27, 2005