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Shana M. Brown

Pronouns: She/Her

Senior Research Director
Shana manages complex multi-mode, nationally representative data collection efforts for longitudinal samples with vitial locating and case tracking elements.

With over 20 years of experience in survey research and data collection management, especially on large-scale, multi-mode longitudinal studies, Shana brings deep knowledge of survey data collection protocol and contacts creation and implementation; adaptive design implementation; sample member locating; interviewer and locator remote and in-person training, Web-based, CADE, and CATI survey instrument and case management system development; coding operations; and methodological documentation. She also brings a strong background in project and financial management and complex budgeting. Shana has led data collection efforts sponsored by the National Science Foundation, National Institute on Aging, research and education professional organizations, foundations, and various non-profit organizations. 

Shana is the associate project director for the Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR), overseeing all data collection and coding for this biennial survey. She has over 15 years of experience in this role. NORC conducts the SDR for the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The SDR is a survey of science and engineering doctorate recipients who earned their degrees from institutions within the United States, but live and work across the globe. This study is the only source of national data on the careers of science and engineering doctorate holders, and it provides key data on the education and training, work experience, career development, and demographics of this important population in the United States.

Shana is also the lead for survey data collection for the Educational and Early Life Predictors of Mild Cognitive Impairment: New Evidence about Mediators and Moderators from High School & Beyond (Sixth HS&B Follow-up) and co-lead for data collection for the Education and Cognitive Functioning in Later Life: The Nation’s High School Class of 1972 (NLS-72). Both are national studies originally funded by the United States Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) as a part of their longitudinal studies program. The collection of survey data along with cognitive and bio-measures for both of these samples will demonstrate how and why education and other early life factors impact Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. 

She has also served as the project director for professional association studies such as the COVID-19 Impact Study for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and Study of the American Law School Dean for the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) which have focused on the learning about impact of the pandemic on respondents’ work, education, and research and workforce pathways and challenges.



Roosevelt University


Carthage College

Project Contributions

2020 AERA-Spencer COVID-19 Impact Survey

Examining how the pandemic influenced the experiences of early-career doctorates and doctoral students


American Educational Research Association; Spencer Foundation

High School and Beyond Sixth Follow-Up Survey

Ongoing study of 1980 sophomores/seniors tracks influence of education and labor on health and aging


University of Minnesota

American Law School Dean Study

Examining the career pathways of law school deans, challenges encountered, and solutions adopted


Association of American Law Schools

Survey of Doctorate Recipients

The only comprehensive data on U.S.-trained doctorate holders in science, engineering, and health


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics at the National Science Foundation (NCSES/NSF)

2023 American Law School Faculty Study

Reviewing law school policies and understanding the career pathways of law school teaching faculty


Association of American Law Schools
