Stuart Michaels
Stuart is a key contributor to the study of gender, sexuality, and health at NORC. He has over 30 years of experience developing, designing, and analyzing surveys and qualitative interviews with a primary substantive focus on sexual orientation and gender identity and health outcomes across the life-course.
His most recent projects have focused on adolescent sexual and gender minority youth for the CDC Division of Adolescent School Health (SMART) and the Division of Violence Prevention. His directed a set of NIH HIV prevention network studies of young African-American men who have sex with men in Chicago (Chicago African-American Network Health Study/uConnect). He also assists with the development of other survey projects related to health and sexuality, including the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP) and Sampling and Measurement Development for the LGBT Aging Project (SAMLAP).
As the project director of The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) from 1988-1994, Stuart helped design and oversee all aspects of this first national representative population-based survey devoted primarily to studying sexual behavior of U.S. adults. He also worked on the follow-up Chicago Health and Social Life Survey (CHSLS) and co-authored The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the U.S. (1994). He was the Assistant Director of the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Chicago from 2001-2010.
Quick Links
University of Chicago
Wayne State University
Wayne State University
Appointments & Affiliations
National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations, U.S. Census Bureau, 2014 - 2020
International Academy of Sex Research
American Association for Public Opinion Research
American Sociological Association
Honors & Awards
NORC Idea Lab Award | 2014
for Social Media Integration
Foreign Research Scholar | 1997 - 1999
Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le Sida (National Agency for AIDS Research), Paris, France
Hugo G. Beigel Research Award | 1995
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Outstanding Article of Year in Journal of Sex Research
Survey of the Year Award | 1995
New York Chapter American Association for Public Opinion Research
Project Contributions
New Resources for Parenting Teens and Navigating Adolescent LGBTQ+ Relationships
NORC Article | November 13, 2023
opens in new tab"Public Attitudes Toward the Use of Religious Beliefs to Discriminate Against LGBTQ People."
Project Report | June 14, 2023
opens in new tab"Perspectives on Sexual Health, Sexual Health Education, and HIV Prevention From Adolescent (13–18 Years) Sexual Minority Males."
Journal Article | July 9, 2021
opens in new tab"Medical Gender Affirmation and HIV and Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention in Transgender Youth: Results from the Survey of Today's Adolescent Relationships and Transitions, 2018."
Journal Article | April 9, 2021
opens in new tab"A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial to Increase PrEP Uptake for HIV Prevention: 55-Week Results from PrEPChicago."
Journal Article | December 22, 2020
opens in new tab"Community Members' Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Awareness, Attitudes, and Trusted Sources for PrEP Information and Provision, Context Matters Survey, 2015-2016."
Journal Article | June 17, 2020
opens in new tab"Evaluating the Data Quality of a National Sample of Young Sexual and Gender Minorities Recruited Using Social Media: The Influence of Different Design Formats."
Journal Article | June 12, 2020
opens in new tab"Sexology as a Profession in France: Preliminary Results of a National Survey (2019)."
Journal Article | May 7, 2020