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WATCH: Ashley Palmer on Behavioral Health & Whole Person Care


July 2023

This video is the latest in our Innovations in Medicaid video series.

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Demand for mental health services are outstripping supply.

The behavioral health needs of Medicaid recipients and the broader United States population are outpacing the supply of behavioral health services and providers, leading to a gap in care. NORC researchers have been investigating approaches for improving access to behavioral health care, including models for the integration and delivery of whole person care.

In this expert video, Ashley Palmer, a senior research scientist in NORC’s Health Care Programs department,  focuses on improving health care delivery in state Medicaid agencies. Discover how whole person care offers a comprehensive approach to treating patients that goes beyond addressing symptoms and conditions and ultimately leads to improved health outcomes.

This video was featured in our newsletter, NORC Selects: Innovations for Value & Equity in Medicaid

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Watch our expert video series to see how we’re working to increase value and equity in Medicaid. 


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