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Evaluating the NeON Works Workforce Development Program

Diverse group of young people listening to  discussion in meeting
Examining a program that targets participants who are on probation or community supervision
  • Client
    NYC Opportunity
  • Dates
    2024 – 2025


NYC would like to understand how access to programming supports participants on probation or community supervision.  

There are large concentrations of youth on probation throughout New York City (NYC). To address this challenge, the New York City Department of Probation and the Young Men's Initiative have implemented the Neighborhood Opportunity Network (NeON) Works program. NeON is a citywide network of community-based centers in seven NYC neighborhoods where large concentrations of people on probation reside. NeON Works supports these communities by providing their youth and young adults with a tailored one-size-fits-one opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience needed for success in the workplace. 

The Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity seeks to fully understand the program's effectiveness and impact, to improve and expand probation-oriented programming in the city.


NORC is using mixed methods to assess NeON Works.

NORC is conducting a mixed-methods evaluation to examine what is and isn’t working well across NeON Works program sites. This includes examining the effectiveness and benefits of the program’s one-size-fits-one model and identifying areas of improvement. Our research team will visit NeON Works sites to interview program staff and conduct focus groups with participants. We will also administer program participant surveys and analyze administrative data.  

Key evaluation areas include:

  • Understanding who the program is serving and to what extent
  • Assessing how well the program is being executed according to its design
  • Surveying the levels of participant involvement and satisfaction with the program
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of program partnerships and internal collaborative efforts
  • Identifying factors that hinder or support program success
  • Measuring the tangible results and program impacts on participants


NORC will identify NeON Works features that produce successful outcomes. 

Our study will provide NYC with the rigorous data it needs to inform future efforts to improve and expand probation-oriented programming across relevant neighborhoods and communities. 

Project Leads

“Evaluating the NeON Works program is essential to understanding its impact on empowering young New Yorkers with the skills and opportunities needed to break the cycle of justice involvement. This evaluation ensures data-driven insights to strengthen the program and amplify its benefits for the communities it serves.”

“Evaluating the NeON Works program is essential to understanding its impact on empowering young New Yorkers with the skills and opportunities needed to break the cycle of justice involvement. This evaluation ensures data-driven insights to strengthen the program and amplify its benefits for the communities it serves.”

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