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Innovations in Sexual Assault Preventions Pilot Program (ISAPPP)

US Armed Forces Flags in a row on flagpoles
Rigorous evaluation of five initiatives aimed at preventing sexual harassment and sexual assault
  • Funder
    U.S. Department of Defense
  • Dates
    2020 – 2024


DoD SAPRO is seeking to identify, select, and implement the most effective practices for preventing sexual assault.

Recognizing the initial gaps in prevention capability across the Department of Defense (DoD), the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) has contracted NORC to provide evaluation expertise under the General Services Administration One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services contract vehicle. DoD SAPRO seeks to increase the number of evidence-based prevention activities addressing sexual assault and related behaviors in military settings and increase the understanding of the factors that contribute to sexual assault among the junior demographic (roughly 17- to 24-year-olds). DoD SAPRO seeks to look more closely at five projects aimed at the prevention of sexual harassment and sexual assault for service personnel.


Rigorous evaluations of DoD programs to create an evidence base for effective prevention of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

NORC will provide evaluation expertise for each of these projects, which includes partnering with leadership to understand each program, determining evaluability, and developing rigorous evaluation plans. Depending on the specific project, NORC tasks will include developing data collection instruments, administering data collection (baseline and follow-ups), conducting analyses, and providing final reports and other dissemination products.


Developing a strong portfolio of evidence-based programming for the DoD prevention workforce to address sexual assault and other harmful behaviors.

To address the various forms of harmful behaviors, military communities require a broad and comprehensive set of effective programs, policies, and practices that allow them to select approaches to meet their unique contextual needs (e.g., population, specific harmful behaviors) and to evaluate the implementation of the activities in their military communities. The availability of a broad range of evidence-based strategies will also help move military communities toward the implementation of effective, multilevel approaches that address contributing factors across individual, interpersonal, organizational, and policy levels and hold promise for reducing, with the goal to eliminate, the occurrence of sexual assault and other harmful behaviors in the military.  

Project Leads

“Examining risk and protective factors for sexual assault and related problems is a key NORC research area, and NORC is pleased to support SAPRO in the evaluation of prevention programs.”

Senior Fellow

“Examining risk and protective factors for sexual assault and related problems is a key NORC research area, and NORC is pleased to support SAPRO in the evaluation of prevention programs.”

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