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Global Practices to Improve Maternal Mortality Outcomes in the U.S.

The United Stated of America seen from space. High quality 3D rendered image, made from ultra high res 20k textures by NASA:,,
A comprehensive look at countries’ practices to address maternal mortality
  • Client
    Health Resources Services Administration
  • Dates


A need to address the unacceptable rates of maternal death around the world.

Maternal mortality is an important health equity issue in the United States. Maternal deaths are unacceptably high, and non-Hispanic Black women and American Indian/Alaska Native women in the U.S. are at highest risk of pregnancy-related mortality.


Understanding how countries address maternal death, and how those lessons could be used in the U.S.

To address this public health issue, the Health Services and Resources Administration (HRSA) partnered with NORC to better understand the current state of maternal health initiatives in other countries. On HRSA’s behalf, NORC conducted an in-depth study of key success factors advancing the health outcomes of pregnant women in the United States and countries invited to the 2018 HRSA Maternal Mortality Summit (Brazil, Canada, Finland, India, Rwanda, and the United Kingdom). Specifically, NORC conducted a comprehensive literature review, which led to an article in Annals of Internal Medicine, and site visits to one U.S. state (North Carolina) and one country (United Kingdom) to learn more about promising practices in the field of maternal health.


Insights that can inform prevention strategies for maternal health in the U.S.

Ultimately, the project identified important state and country-specific policies, programs/innovations, and research related to maternal mortality, including what is being done to address persistent racial and ethnic disparities on these topics.

Project Leads

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Health Resources and Services Administration