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HHS OMH Performance Improvement Management System

Extensive series of patients, doctors and nurses of various ages and ethnicities in a modern exam room.
Identifying best and promising practices to improve the health of the U.S. population
  • Client
    DHHS Office of Minority Health
  • Dates
    October 2008 – September 2023


Investing in effective and sustainable approaches to improved health.

Since its inception within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, OMH has been striving to improve the health of Americans by funding communities that are testing solutions that address a range of public health issues in their local communities.


NORC supported a wide range of OMH’s evaluation work.

We worked with OMH from 2008 to 2023 to develop, implement, and administer the Performance Improvement Management System (PIMS), an essential tool for evaluating the efficacy of OMH-funded interventions. PIMS analyzed evaluation and performance data from OMH award recipients so that OMH could refine and enhance its programs and policies. This refinement not only led to better information on successful interventions; it also helped OMH comply with federal modernization, budgetary, and program performance requirements.


NORC helped strengthened PIMS by tailoring multiple evaluation and data services to meet the dynamic needs of OMH and its award recipients.

Our work included:

  • Systematic monitoring and cross-site evaluation of the effectiveness of recipient efforts within and across OMH programs
  • Training and technical assistance for prospective, new, and continuing OMH recipients
  • Development of detailed OMH project and program profiles that included the purpose, expected results, proposed interventions, and planned approaches to evaluation
  • Collection, identification, documentation, and reporting evidence of intervention effectiveness
  • Identification, compilation, and reporting of best practices and promising approaches
  • Identification of performance measurement data sets and resources to support recipient evaluation planning and implementation
  • Promotion of systematic program evaluation, data, and research development
  • Assessment of and reporting on the sustainability and spread of effective public health programs
  • Case study analysis of the strategies successful partnerships used to identify key partner relationships and the protocols or practices that resulted in achieving desired public health outcomes

Learn More About OMH

OMH is dedicated to improving the health of populations through the development of health policies and programs that will help improve health outcomes.

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