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LSF Health System Suicide Prevention & SBIRT Training

A zoomed shot of a female home caregiver holding the hand of an elderly female patient for moral support in a naturally lit bedroom.
A suicide prevention training series to build the confidence and competence of LSF Health System staff
  • Funder
    LSF Health Systems
  • Dates
    June 2022 - July 2022


Health and behavioral health care providers are not trained in suicide care.

Suicide is a significant public health problem that can be prevented with targeted education and intervention. Because a large proportion of suicide decedents receive health care in the year and month prior to their deaths, the provision of suicide care in health settings plays a critical role in preventing suicide. Unfortunately, many health and behavioral health care professionals have not received training and are not equipped to deliver evidence-based suicide care.


NORC developed suicide prevention trainings for health care and mental health care providers of LSF Health System in Florida.

Recognizing a need to jointly address substance use and suicide, NORC delivered a series of suicide prevention trainings for LSF Health System, one of seven behavioral health Managing Entities (ME) contracted by the Florida Department of Children and Families to manage the state-funded system of behavioral health care for people who face poverty and are without insurance. Our trainings built upon a previous substance use Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) training series we conducted for LSF. The suicide prevention training series included an introduction to suicide as a public health problem, an integrated SBIRT and suicide care training and technical assistance session, and postvention for clinical providers. 


Our training expanded the skill and confidence of LSF providers.

NORC trained hundreds of LSF Health System staff and community members to build skills and confidence and increase the delivery of evidence-based substance use and suicide care throughout LSF Health System.

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“LSF Health System is invested in the wellbeing of their patients and the community. We’re glad to have helped support their mission through a suicide prevention education and training series and were impressed by the level of engagement.” 

Senior Research Scientist

“LSF Health System is invested in the wellbeing of their patients and the community. We’re glad to have helped support their mission through a suicide prevention education and training series and were impressed by the level of engagement.” 

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