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Walden University Campus-Wide Climate Survey

A student looks at papers while sitting in one of many chairs arranged in rows
Supporting the online university’s efforts to ensure a thriving culture for all campus members
  • Client
    Walden University
  • Dates


Walden University needed to understand perceptions and experiences of belonging across its widely dispersed campus community.

Walden University requested an assessment of belonging across all members of their campus community. Walden wanted to understand any issues their students, faculty, and staff might be experiencing.


Walden University partnered with NORC to develop and conduct a campus-wide climate survey.

Walden University and NORC at the University of Chicago designed and implemented a campus-wide climate survey, which invited all enrolled students over 18 years of age, all faculty, all staff, and a random sample of 5,000 Walden University alumni to participate.

To better understand their campus membership’s perceptions, the climate survey consisted of a variety of questions to capture:

  • Feelings of belonging
  • Feelings of welcomeness
  • Avoidance of disclosure
  • Perceptions of respect


The survey elicited insights that can be used to promote a better sense of belonging across a largely online campus community.

The campus-wide climate survey provided a wealth of information on the perceptions and experiences of belonging, welcomeness, and respect among the Walden University community, including areas of strength and challenge. Walden University leadership is using this information to create a more supportive environment for students, faculty, and staff.

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