The Center for Panel Survey Sciences focuses on researching and developing best practices in probability-based panel surveys.
While panel surveys offer clear and numerous benefits, the field still wrestles with a wide range of challenges, including attrition, conditioning, mode effects, nonresponse, and more. Our center’s in-depth research explores novel solutions and elucidates optimal methods and approaches for next-generation probability-based panel surveys.
The center provides expertise in building a range of panels, from those of the general population to highly specialized panels for specific demographic groups, such as young adults, Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities, STEM professionals, or individuals aged 50 and older. We also share insights into a range of potential error sources (coverage, sampling, nonresponse, measurement, and processing) that can occur during the panel and survey lifecycle.
With NORC’s AmeriSpeak®, the center has a rich data source to execute a range of research projects. The center’s rich and ambitious research program is driven by a team of NORC experts with deep experience in building, maintaining, and using probability-based panels.
Center Lead
Discover Our Research
In addition to our peer-reviewed articles and conference presentations, the center regularly provides accessible, practical briefs to support the field.
Recent Briefs
“NORC’s TrueNorth Calibration Tool for Probability and Nonprobability Samples”
Research Brief | November 21, 2024
Dutwin, D. -
"Research on 'Professional Respondents' in Nonprobability Panels: A Comparison of Probability and Nonprobability Panels"
Research Brief | January 31, 2024
Hansen, C., Bilgen, I. and Dutwin, D. -
"Impact of Using Personalized Solicitation During Mail Contact When Recruiting to a Probability-Based Panel"
Research Brief | December 19, 2023
Bilgen, I. and Dutwin, D. -
"When Does Use Become Abuse in Panels? Considering Panelist Burden"
Research Brief | February 18, 2023
Dutwin, D. -
"Nonresponse Follow-up Impact on Panel Sample Composition & Representativeness"
Research Brief | February 2, 2023
Bilgen, I. and Dutwin, D. -
"Summarizing Literature Review of IMCs in Probability-Based Web Panels"
Research Brief | January 31, 2023
Hansen, C., Bilgen, I. and Dutwin, D.
Journal Articles, White Papers, & Presentations
Our Experts
Center staff members regularly present at conferences and publish peer-reviewed articles, conference presentations, and white papers.
Our Advisory Board
The Center includes internationally recognized thought leaders in panel research.
Annelies Blom
University of Bremen, Germany
Nancy Brigham
Trent D. Buskirk
Bowling Green State University
Mario Callegaro
LinChiat Chang
Independent Consultant
Joshua D. Clinton
Vanderbilt University
Carina Cornesse
German Institute for Economic Research
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Carol Sue Haney
D. Sunshine Hillygus
Duke University
Josh Pasek
University of Michigan
Laura Wronski
Weiyu Zhang
National University of Singapore
Our Expertise
Our Expertise
Our researchers apply their knowledge and experience to a wide-range of topics in panel survey science, spanning diverse populations and methodologies.
Survey Methods Research:
- Sample frame construction
- Panelist sampling techniques
- Recruitment strategy development
- Post-recruitment empanelment processes
- Panelist retention methods
- Engagement and response rate improvement
Panel Types:
- General population
- Young adults
- Asian American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities
- STEM professionals
- Individuals aged 50+
Methodological Approaches:
- Nonresponse follow-up recruitment strategies
- Attention-check and trap question implementation
- Data-quality assurance techniques
- Emerging technologies in panel surveys
- Inclusion of non-internet users in surveys