David Sterrett
David is a principal research scientist in The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. He has significant experience designing and managing complex multi-mode surveys and conducting research on survey methodology and public attitudes.
David has been the methodological lead for AP VoteCast since 2017, and he helped develop this new approach to understanding the American electorate that combines a probability sample of registered voters with a large opt-in sample of registered voters.
He led the methodological redesign of the 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation and is the methodological lead for the 2027 National Survey. David is the project director for the 2026 National Recreational Boating Safety Survey for the U.S. Coast Guard and is leading a redesign of the survey methodology.
David helped develop the DASH study for the Advertising Research Foundation, and he is the project director for this study that provides benchmarks for how U.S. households connect to and consume TV and interact with and share streaming media.
He has also managed a number of projects featuring collaborations with researchers such as the UChicago Harris/AP-NORC Poll, the Media Insight Project with the American Press Institute, and the GenForward surveys for the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago.
David has published scholarly work in multiple peer-reviewed journals and has expertise in synthesizing complex social science research so that it is easily accessible for journalists and the public. He frequently presents at academic and survey research conferences and is actively involved with both AAPOR and MAPOR.
Prior to joining NORC, he spent four years conducting survey research at the University of Illinois at Chicago and five years working as a journalist in Chicago and San Diego.
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University of Illinois at Chicago
Northwestern University
Project Contributions
Evanston’s Reparations Program Receives Strong Community Support According to NORC Survey
NORC Article | June 18, 2024
2024 Primaries VoteCast Methodology Statement
Project Report | January 10, 2024
Topline: The Role of Online Communications Platforms for Interpersonal Relationships among Teens and Young Adults
Dataset | January 8, 2024
Report: The Role of Online Communications Platforms for Interpersonal Relationships among Teens and Young Adults
Project Report | January 8, 2024
NORC Modernizes a Landmark Survey, Finds Record Growth in Outdoor Pursuits & Spending
NORC Article | December 21, 2023
Northwestern University Reparations Research Survey Methodology
Project Report | October 30, 2023
Americans Differentiate Between Russia’s Leadership and Its People
NORC Article | August 24, 2023
opens in new tab"Age Differences in Mental Health from May through August 2020 among U.S. Adults: Trajectories and the Role of Pandemic, Lifestyle, and Social Factors."
Journal Article | July 1, 2022