From public media to public parks, nonprofit theaters to natural history museums, Emily helps cultural practitioners learn about their communities and supporters through nuanced, humanistic research.
As part of the Slover Linett arts and culture team that joined NORC in 2023, Emily has designed, conducted, and interpreted qualitative and quantitative research for clients such as the Library of Congress, The High Line, WQXR, Signature Theatre, the de Young and Legion of Honor museums, Morton Arboretum, Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the international Of/By/For All movement, among other culture and STEM organizations. Emily’s work is shaped by her training in community psychology and animated by her commitment to supporting arts and culture organizations as powerful tools for lifelong learning, community development, and social engagement.
Before coming to Slover Linett in 2019, Emily earned her PhD in community psychology and spent ten years working with underserved groups, including refugees, asylum seekers, and survivors of torture. She published and presented that research at conferences in the U.S. and internationally. Emily has also taught research methods and community psychology to undergraduate students and been invited to lecture on her research, pedagogy, and advocacy work.
Emily is dedicated to using the tools of social research to help the arts, culture, and community sector become more responsive, welcoming, and useful to a wide range of audiences.
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University of Illinois at Chicago
New York University
Vassar College