Katie O’Doherty
Katie is a principal research director in the Health Sciences department. She handles the design, oversight and management of complex field studies with expertise in the integration of biomeasures in face-to-face surveys. Katie has been involved with all aspects of survey research operations, including sample selection, questionnaire development, systems development and testing, design of field protocols, interviewer training, data collection, and data delivery. Recently she has expanded into integrating biomeasure collection into multimode surveys.
Katie currently serves as project director of the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP), a longitudinal study that integrates survey and biomeasure data collection to examine health and social relationships of older adults. During her tenure at NORC, Katie played a critical role in successfully integrating biomeasures into the NSHAP interview. She was key player in the development of protocols for collecting biomeasures in a home setting, training field interviewers to implement these protocols, and producing standards and benchmarks for monitoring and evaluating the resulting data. This effort included not only the technical requirements for completing any specific biomeasure, but also all required forms and systems for data capture and, most importantly, strategies for gaining respondent cooperation and refusal conversion.
Katie is also the project director for the Abecedarian Project at Midlife, a longitudinal study that integrates a complex questionnaire with cognitive measures and biomeasure data collection. She also serves as a subject matter expert on the High School and Beyond (HS&B) Follow-up Surveys that combine web, phone and paper surveys with a home health visit with a phlebotomist.
Project Contributions
2023 Conference of the European Survey Research Association
Event | June 24, 2023
opens in new tab"Ongoing Refinement and Innovation in the Data Collection Protocols of the Third Round of the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project."
Journal Article | January 24, 2022
opens in new tab"Continuity and Innovation in the Data Collection Protocols of the Second Wave of the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project."
Journal Article | November 5, 2014
opens in new tab"Survey Field Methods for Expanded Biospecimen and Biomeasure Collection in NSHAP Wave 2."
Journal Article | November 5, 2014
opens in new tab"Glycosylated Hemoglobin Testing in the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project."
Journal Article | November 5, 2014
opens in new tab"Instrument Development, Study Design Implementation, and Survey Conduct for the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project."
Book | August 24, 2012
opens in new tab"Public Attitudes about Health Information Technology and Its Relationship to Health Care Quality, Costs, and Privacy."
Journal Article | December 23, 2011
opens in new tab"Evaluation of the Second Phase of the Oncology Demonstration: Evaluation Report – Final."
Project Report | July 26, 2009