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Lisa Lee

Principal Research Methodologist
Lisa’s work focuses on questionnaire design and ways to engage underrepresented groups in research.

Lisa is a principal research methodologist in the Methodology & Quantitative Social Sciences department at NORC at the University of Chicago. Lisa works on methods for improving survey instruments and reducing measurement error in surveys. She is highly experienced in conducting methodological research on behalf of federal agencies and private foundations in the areas of higher education and workforce training. Lisa is also engaged in research on methods to increase the participation of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) and other underrepresented populations in research.

Lisa has served as senior methodologist on survey design, questionnaire development and cognitive testing efforts for federal workforce surveys sponsored by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. She has also led studies on the attainment of educational and workforce credentials, serving as senior methodologist for the National Education and Attainment Survey (for the Lumina Foundation) and Principal Investigator for the Survey of Educational Attainment (for the ECMC Foundation). For the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Lisa has led research on methods to improve the accuracy of reporting of consumer expenditures and worker injuries and illnesses. She also contributed to transitioning the American Time Use Survey to a multimode survey.

Lisa has authored a book chapter on cognitive interviewing and pilot testing, published by Information Age Publishing, which provides guidance on survey methods for education researchers. Her work on methods to increase AAPI participation in survey research appears in the journal Survey Practice. Lisa also contributed a chapter on question order effects in surveys to appear in the 2nd edition of the APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology.

Project Contributions

American Time Use Survey Testing Mode Effects Between Web & Telephone

Developing a web mode for the nation’s premier survey on how Americans spend their time


Bureau of Labor Statistics

AmeriCorps: Technical Assistance to Promote Program Evaluation

Long-term support in evidence building for AmeriCorps programs



Analyzing Parent Narratives to Create Parent Gauge™

Helping Head Start build a tool to assess parent, family, and community engagement


National Head Start Association, Ford Foundation, Rainin Foundation, Region V Head Start Association

Indigenizing National Arts and Culture Survey Measures

Redesigning survey questions to more accurately reflect the lived experiences of Native people


The Wallace Foundation

National Education & Attainment Survey

Understanding the education and training experiences of adults


Lumina Foundation

Research on Asian American & Pacific Islander Survey Participation

Research on barriers to survey participation faced by AAPI and strategies to increase participation


AARP Research

Stop AAPI Hate Civil Rights Study

A survey of Asian American and Pacific Islanders' experiences of hate and civil rights violations


Stop AAPI Hate

Survey of Education Attainment

Exploring the impact of both accredited and non-accredited training programs


ECMC Foundation

Survey of Fishing, Hunting & Wildlife-Associated Recreation

Streamlining, economizing, and increasing the reach of a venerable national survey


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
