Neil Seftor
Neil has more than 20 years of experience in education research and systematic reviews. He has expertise in econometric and evaluation methodology, including the design and analysis of education policy evaluations using random assignment and quasi-experimental methods. He has collaborated with education stakeholders and practitioners to facilitate the use of rigorous methods applied to education, supported principal investigators in designing and conducting studies, and promoted the understanding of technical information by non-technical audiences. He brings a wealth of experience combining critical thinking, ingenuity, and strong communication skills with well-developed project management and leadership abilities to provide efficient and effective delivery of high-quality work.
Since joining NORC in May 2022, Neil has led strategic project and business development efforts related to increasing student success in transitioning to postsecondary education. He currently serves as principal investigator for the Gates Millennium Scholars Longitudinal Outcomes study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; co-principal investigator for the Initial Efficacy Evaluation of an Action Civics Program funded by a U.S. Department of Education (ED) grant; co-principal investigator for the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation Program Evaluation for the National Science Foundation; and evaluation lead for the On-ramp to Postsecondary Transitions Education Innovation and Research (EIR) grant for ED.
In previous work for ED, he evaluated Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math Science, Talent Search, teacher induction programs, moving high-performing teachers, and elementary math curricula. He has more than 13 years of experience on ED’s What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) including four years as project director and co-principal investigator. For the WWC, he participated in the development of several sets of design standards and tools to apply the standards in practice, as well as creating new products that were accessible to diverse audiences. Other previous work includes five EIR grants, applied research lead for a Regional Educational Laboratory, and research director and co-principal investigator for IES’s Postsecondary Teaching with Technology Collaborative Research & Development Center.
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University of Virginia
University of Virginia
University of Virginia
Appointments & Affiliations
Editorial Board
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
Project Contributions
Magnetic Reading: Effects on Reading Achievement for Grades 3-5
Project Report | May 1, 2024
opens in new tab"The Impacts of Regular Upward Bound on Postsecondary Outcomes 7-9 Years After Scheduled High School Graduation."
Journal Article | January 30, 2009
opens in new tab" The Impacts of Upward Bound Math-Science on Postsecondary Outcomes 7-9 Years After Scheduled High School Graduation."
Project Report