From exploring the connection between high school performance and later life outcomes to evaluating the United States Agency for International Development’s School Health and Reading Program in Uganda, NORC’s elementary and secondary education experience is wide and varied. Many of our projects deal directly or indirectly with the ongoing implementation of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), including our evaluation of the U.S. Department of Education’s Growth Model Pilot Program, an effort to improve how student achievement data were analyzed and used to assess the effectiveness of schools and school systems under the accountability provisions of NCLB.
NORC is also conducting a study for the National Assessment Governing Board analyzing the degree of content alignment between the 2013 National Assessment of Educational Progress Reading and Mathematics assessments for grade eight, and the ACT Explore assessments in reading and mathematics. This research will provide a greater understanding of the connection between students’ scores on these assessments and their preparedness for freshman college coursework.
Elementary & Secondary Education Experts
Will Fisher
Research Scientist -
Alicia Garcia
Vice President -
Molly Gordon
Senior Research Scientist -
Jennifer Hamilton
Senior Vice President -
Sarah Kabourek
Senior Research Scientist -
Debbie Kim
Senior Research Scientist -
Vi-Nhuan Le
Principal Research Scientist -
Carrie E. Markovitz
Program Area Director for Youth Research -
Robert Meyer
Senior Fellow -
Alejandro Ome
Principal Research Scientist -
Jaunelle Pratt-Williams
Principal Research Scientist -
Stephen W. Raudenbush
Senior Fellow -
Brooke Rumper
Research Scientist -
Barbara Schneider
Senior Fellow -
Jenny Seelig
Senior Research Scientist -
Neil Seftor
Associate Director -
Cynthia M. Simko
Associate Director -
Joy Zacharia
Senior Research Director