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NORC’s decades of experience studying elementary and secondary education initiatives can help educators improve access and outcomes nationally and overseas.

From exploring the connection between high school performance and later life outcomes to evaluating the United States Agency for International Development’s School Health and Reading Program in Uganda, NORC’s elementary and secondary education experience is wide and varied. Many of our projects deal directly or indirectly with the ongoing implementation of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), including our evaluation of the U.S. Department of Education’s Growth Model Pilot Program, an effort to improve how student achievement data were analyzed and used to assess the effectiveness of schools and school systems under the accountability provisions of NCLB.

NORC is also conducting a study for the National Assessment Governing Board analyzing the degree of content alignment between the 2013 National Assessment of Educational Progress Reading and Mathematics assessments for grade eight, and the ACT Explore assessments in reading and mathematics. This research will provide a greater understanding of the connection between students’ scores on these assessments and their preparedness for freshman college coursework.

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Elementary & Secondary Education Experts

Highlighted Projects

National Study of Special Education Spending: Foundational Phase

Providing crucial national data on special education spending across districts and schools


Institute of Education Sciences

Equity & Place: A Rural Education Research Agenda

Shining a light on equity challenges and innovative solutions in rural schools and communities


Spencer Foundation

National Evaluation of Title III Implementation

The nation’s first study of how Title III grants are used to support English learners


Institute for Education Sciences

Youth & Teen Math Mindset Study

Examining how students’ perceptions of math and their own math skills influence their math performance


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Kauffman Scholars Evaluation

Analyzing the ripple effect of a 20-year-old college scholarship and mentorship program in Kansas City


Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Advancing Research & Communications in STEM

Raising the nation’s learning curve on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics


National Science Foundation

Massachusetts Playful Learning Institute P-3 Evaluation

Evaluating an effort to increase play-based learning in early grades


Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Assessing Distance Learning for the Bureau of Indian Education

Understanding how best to reach and teach students who lack broadband service


Bureau of Indian Education

Fulton County STEM Schools Study

An early assessment of how well new STEM high schools are serving those principles


Fulton County Schools

Sesame Workshop’s Identity Matters Project

Helping Sesame Street increase children’s self-esteem and awareness of social identity


Sesame Workshop

Comprehensive Literacy Program Evaluation

Assessing whether grants to promote youths’ reading and writing are having an impact


Institute of Education Sciences

Surveys of Chicago Parents About Schooling in the Pandemic

Surveying Chicago parents about their child’s learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic


Kids First Chicago

Minnesota Reading Corps K-3 Impact Evaluation

NORC finds tutoring by AmeriCorps volunteers brought benefits to most young students


Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)

Tracking State Assessment in Science and Math Education

The first-ever tracking system for math and science education comparisons


National Science Foundation

Washington State K-12 Civics Education Survey

A mixed-methods data collection effort to thoroughly understand how Washington teaches civics


Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Ready Classroom Mathematics Curriculum Evaluation

Correlating the use of Ready Classroom Mathematics with student achievement


Curriculum Associates, LLC

Pre-K Developmental Loss from COVID-19 Closures

Examining preschoolers’ cognitive and social skills during the pandemic


University of Colorado, Denver

Getting Effective Leaders into High-Needs Schools

Understanding how the preparation, recruitment, and hiring of principals impact student outcomes


Institute of Education Sciences

National Assessment of Educational Progress

Assessing whether the NAEP, used to gauge learning progress, can also measure college readiness


National Assessment Governing Board

National Survey of Students’ Personalized Learning Experiences

Exploring how strategies to promote personalized learning are working in the classroom


International Association for K-12 Online Education

‘Closer to Home’ and ‘A Path to Equity’

Exploring the impact of more equitable access to pre-k on student outcomes


Institute of Education Sciences

School Effectiveness in Indiana Study

Examining what works for the state’s public, private, and charter schools


University of Notre Dame; University of Kentucky

Spence-Chapin Adoption Study

Helping an adoption agency deepen its understanding of birth mothers


Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children

High School Experience Study

Exploring the long-term impact of early college high schools on workforce and life outcomes


American Institutes for Research

Minnesota Reading Corps Pre-K Program Evaluation

Demonstrating that AmeriCorps volunteer tutors can improve preschoolers’ literacy


Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)

Head Start-to-Kindergarten Transitions Project

The first rigorous, system-level study of the factors that drive successful kindergarten transitions


Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families

Catalytic Communities Initiative Evaluation

Assessing strategies to transform educational communities to benefit K-12 students


Walton Family Foundation

Retaining Rural Science & Math Teachers

Cultivating a high-quality science and math teacher workforce in rural Illinois


National Science Foundation

Magnetic Reading Evaluation

Examining the impact of an evidence-based reading comprehension program for grades 3 through 5


Curriculum Associates

Survey of U.S. History Teachers

Survey of U.S. history teachers in nine states to inform civic discussions about teaching U.S. history


American Historical Association

Student Absenteeism Meta-Analysis

A comprehensive analysis and meta-analytic synthesis of student absenteeism interventions


Institute of Education Sciences and the Smith Richardson Foundation

Fulton County Principal Leadership Program Evaluation

A district-level analysis of an effort to train experienced principals to be mentors


Fulton County Schools, Georgia

National Science Foundation Secure Data Access Facility

Ensuring security while expanding access to data on science and engineering graduates


National Science Foundation

Curriculum & Learning Improvement Project (CLIP)

Creating an innovative data ecosystem to support classroom instruction and education research


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Curriculum & Learning Improvement Project (CLIP)

Creating an innovative data ecosystem to support classroom instruction and education research


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Washington Statewide Family Engagement Center Project

Evaluating a collaborative family engagement infrastructure across Washington state


U.S. Department of Education

Evaluating Oakland Promise’s Cradle-to-Career Programs

NORC’s assessments enable Oakland program to identify past benefits for future funding


Oakland Promise

Oakland Promise Kindergarten to College Evaluation

Assessing efforts to promote a college-going culture among young students and their parents


Oakland Promise

Support for Analytic Capacity of NSECE Data

Enhancing the analytic capacity of the NSECE’s public-use and restricted-use data


Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in the Department of Health and Human Services

2024 National Survey of Early Care and Education

Examining early care and education after major disruption


Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in the Department of Health and Human Services


A rigorous, community-driven research resource for local organizations and policymakers


NORC at the University of Chicago