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Sarah Kabourek

Senior Research Scientist
Sarah is a quantitative research expert studying policy impacts on children and families.

Sarah is a senior research scientist at NORC at the University of Chicago. She has extensive experience in quantitative and mixed-methods research design and analysis. She uses rigorous analytic approaches to study the experiences of children and families in early care and education and K-12 education systems. The goals of this work are to increase access to high-quality early childhood and educational opportunities. 

Sarah is the principal investigator of a secondary data analysis studying the use of grandparent-based early care and education and its impact on child and grandparent outcomes, funded by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). She also leads tasks such as environmental scans, secondary data analysis, and survey design and analytic work on other ACF-funded NORC projects.

Sarah is the co-principal investigator of NORC’s independent evaluation of the Oakland Promise Brilliant Baby evaluation. This evaluation is a longitudinal, randomized controlled trial (RCT) examining the impact of Brilliant Baby, a college savings account (CSA) and financial coaching intervention for Medicaid-eligible families with infants, on children and parents.

Project Contributions

Evaluating the Tempe Preschool Resource Expansion

Assessing whether Tempe PRE improves kindergarten readiness and future achievement for low-income children


Helios Education Foundation

Consumer Education and Parent Choice in Early Care & Education

Understanding how parents find and use information to make early child care decisions


Administration for Children and Families, Health & Human Services Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation
