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Nola du Toit

Senior Research Methodologist & Data Visualization Specialist
Nola is a leading expert in data and information visualization.

Nola is a senior research methodologist in the Methodology & Quantitative Social Sciences department. She has a extensive experience in the analytic and visual design of data graphics, interactives, and infographics.

In her role as data visualization specialist, Nola creates data and information visualizations that shed light on analytical findings based on research conducted across any of NORC’s subject matter areas. Her work centers on exploring and illustrating concepts, ideas, and data across various areas of interest, including demography, family and life course, health, economics, education, and social policies, as well as the collaborative learning and teaching of data visualization methodologies, audience understanding and interpretation, design principles, and best practices.



Bowling Green State University


Middle Tennessee State University


Middle Tennessee State University

Honors & Awards

Data Viz Award | 2021

The Association of Public Data Users

Data Challenge | 2019

Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association

Project Contributions

Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing Data Quality, Standardization & Integration

Applying innovative data science methods to create datasets that support evidence-based decision-making


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Data Usage Platform as a Federal Data Asset

User experience research and prototyping for a federal data usage platform


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Massachusetts Lawyers Demographic and Law Practice Data

Develop an interactive data tool to examine demographic and professional characteristics of Massachusetts lawyers


Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being

Massachusetts Lawyer Well-Being Study

Understand lawyer well-being and how it varies by demographics, employment type, and workplace environment


Board of Bar Overseers Massachusetts

Testing Data Visualization as Scientific Communication

Empirically testing various data visualization methods for accuracy and interpretation to enhance user understanding


NORC Research Science

NORC Research Publications