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SMVF Technical Assistance Center

Close-up of man in military fatigues holding both hands with woman as though receiving support and encouragement.
Supporting data-driven approaches to improving crisis care for service members, veterans, and their families (SMVF)
  • Client
    Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
  • Dates
    September 2022 – Present


Service members and veterans experience higher rates of suicide than the general public.

Veterans have a disproportionately high suicide rate: 32.0 per 100,000 compared to 17.2 per 100,000 among non-veterans, and it is increasing at a greater rate. A variety of factors may contribute to increased risk of suicide including underlying mental health or substance use disorders, unaddressed chronic health conditions stemming from military service, homelessness, and difficulty with personal relationships and their transition out of military service and back to civilian life. Unfortunately, most do not receive care that is tailored to their unique needs—foregoing Veterans Administration care for community care settings—underscoring the need for a comprehensive and coordinated approach.


NORC supports the Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Technical Assistance Center (SMVF TA Center).

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Technical Assistance Center (SMVF TA Center) is the national resource for states, communities, and territories to support the behavioral health needs of service members and veterans. As subject matter experts and technical assistance providers for the SMVF TA Center, NORC supports communities across the country that are engaging in Crisis Intercept Mapping and Suicide Mortality Review through presentation, facilitated discussion, and sharing of best practices in suicide prevention and suicide care for service members and veterans.


Our efforts help put critical policies, programs, and protocols in place to prevent suicide among service members and veterans.

The SMVF TA Center helps states, communities, and territories implement policies, programs, and protocols to identify service members and veterans at risk of suicide and connect them with evidence-based care that is tailored to their unique needs. The SMVF TA Center’s continued engagement with communities helps ensure these policies and programs are supported and sustained, which is a first step in reducing the suicide rate among this population.


Senior Research Scientist

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“We work with states, communities, and territories to aid in the development and implementation of policies and procedures that meet the unique needs of service members and veterans. The people we work with are motivated and eager to give back to those who served their country, and we’re privileged to play a part in strengthening the infrastructure that supports them.”

Senior Research Scientist

“We work with states, communities, and territories to aid in the development and implementation of policies and procedures that meet the unique needs of service members and veterans. The people we work with are motivated and eager to give back to those who served their country, and we’re privileged to play a part in strengthening the infrastructure that supports them.”

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