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Support for the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight

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Improving options for health care coverage through the federal Health Insurance Marketplace
  • Client
    American Institutes for Research
  • Dates
    2014 – January 2028

As a subcontractor to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), NORC at the University of Chicago provides a range of technical assistance to the federal government’s Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) related to the implementation of the federal Health Insurance Marketplace established by the Affordable Care Act. The contract includes technical, analytical, policy, and operational support. NORC supports certification, re-certification, and updates of qualified health plans participating in the marketplaces. We also facilitate training and develop support materials  through all stages of the certification process, and we prepare reports and rapid-turnaround studies as directed by AIR/CCIIO, offering technical and subject matter expertise.

Recent examples of this work include the following:

  • NORC for many years had led AIR’s annual formulary data integrity review to evaluate whether information submitted by issuers in the Prescription Drug (Rx) Template is consistent with the data displayed on the issuers’ formulary website that consumers can access. After these reviews, issuers may be provided technical assistance to remedy any discrepancies.
  • NORC also conducted a study to help CCIIO learn how health insurance agents and brokers work with consumers purchasing coverage through the Federally Facilitated Marketplace, which the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services operates in states that do not have their own marketplace. This research examined why some consumers eligible for cost-sharing reductions through certain Silver plans instead choose Bronze plans, and whether there are differences in consumer subpopulations. To get answers and lessons learned, NORC conducted 32 in-depth, qualitative interviews with these marketplace agents and brokers.

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