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NORC has studied both the causes and perceptions of poverty and inequality since our founding.

By some estimates, the top one percent of Americans earn 20 percent of the income. Wealth inequality is even more dramatic, with a mere 0.1 percent of the population controlling more than 20 percent of the wealth. At the same time, more than 45 million Americans live in poverty, according to recent Census data. This level of inequality has implications for social and economic mobility, professional and educational attainment, and food and housing security, as well as the entrepreneurship and innovation that drive our economy.

NORC is one of the nation’s leading sources of reliable, independent data on poverty and inequality in this country and around the world. One of NORC’s very first studies was a survey of public perceptions about race, economic status, and poverty. Since then, NORC researchers have explored the world of low-wage work, examined the economic impact of early childhood care and development, and studied a variety of social safety net and economic development programs both in the United States and abroad.

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Departments, Centers, & Programs

Research Divisions

Poverty & Inequality Experts

Highlighted Projects

Feeding America’s Child & Family Choice Program

The first rigorous assessment of increasing choice for food pantries and the families they serve


Feeding America National Office (FANO)

Financial Aspirations of Black Americans

A study of the financial status and aspirations of Black Americans


The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

NYC Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative

Exploring the collateral consequences of drug arrests in New York City


New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ)

Chicago Health and Activity in Real-Time (CHART)

The first-ever study documenting how activity spaces change as people age


The National Institute on Aging at the National Institutes of Health

Housing Needs of American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians

Conducting a culturally sensitive study in tribal and indigenous areas to inform housing policy


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

The Forefront Racial Equity Collective Mapping Survey

Identifying organizations and initiatives advancing racial equity in Illinois



Exploring the Menthol Ban Narrative on Social Media

Building a community engagement panel to study the impact of the FDA's menthol ban on Black/Latinx communities


American Heart Association; Truth Initiative

Evaluation and Learning Partner for the Corporate Coalition

Using inclusive and equitable research methods to inform community-building investment initiatives


The Corporate Coalition of Chicago

LEO Maternity Homes Follow-Up Interviews

Conducting post-intervention follow-up interviews with unhoused pregnant women


Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunity (LEO)

Study of Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations

Collecting new data for the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations for the first time in 20 years


U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service

Oakland Promise Brilliant Baby Evaluation

Assessing the impact of a “two-generation” intervention on college attainment


Oakland Promise

Tribal TANF & Child Welfare Services Coordination Study

Evaluating how grantees coordinate tribal programs for at-risk families


Administration for Children and Families, Health and Human Services Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation

The Concordance Academy Evaluation

An experiment to test the effectiveness of a novel prisoner reentry program in St. Louis, Missouri


The Concordance Academy

Research on the Mayors Action Plan (MAP) in NYC

Evaluation results for the Mayor’s Action Plan (MAP) in NYC


New York City Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice (MOCJ)

UCLA Data Center Technical Assistance

Supporting collection, imputation, weighting, analysis, and dissemination of data


University of California, Los Angeles