A. Elizabeth Allen
Elizabeth is a principal statistician with over 20 years of experience working on many aspects of survey methodology. She is responsible for sample design and weighting and estimation on a variety of surveys and projects, both large and small, with many surveys focused on public health and healthcare. She has experience with multiple modes of data collection, probability and nonprobability samples, multi-frame sample designs, and the impact of different outreach protocols and impacts on response rates.
Elizabeth manages work for multiple projects, most notably supporting the National Immunization Survey (NIS) for CDC (Centers for Disease Control). Over the past decade, she has supported many pieces of the sampling, estimation, and data delivery related to the project. Currently, she leads a team supporting the Adult COVID-19 Module (NIS-ACM), which collects approximately 15,000 surveys a week. Summarized weighted tabulations are provided to CDC each week, within four days of the data collection week ending. In addition to the NIS, she has been involved in surveys related to a breadth of topics, such as health care insurance coverage, justice statistics, and education.
Prior to joining NORC, Elizabeth worked for IMS Health where she supported data collection and estimation related to pharmaceutical marketing, dispensation, and utilization.
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Arizona State University
University of North Carolina at Greensboro