Andrea Mayfield
Andrea is a senior research director in the Health Sciences department at NORC at the University of Chicago. She currently manages the survey content team for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS), a national multimode, longitudinal survey of Medicare beneficiaries. She serves as project manager for the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), the nation’s most comprehensive source of hospital care data, comprised of a family of databases, software tools, and products. She also manages a longitudinal survey studying chronic pain among older adults.
During her time at NORC, Andrea has worked on a variety of projects, specializing in survey design, multimode data collection, establishment surveys, and hard-to-reach populations. For these projects, she has managed questionnaire development, evaluation, testing, and documentation to ensure that emerging topics relevant to COVID-19, aging and health, and health equity are available to researchers and policy makers. She has also overseen data collection and conducted data cleaning and delivery. Prior projects include: Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health across the U.S. (REACH U.S.) Risk Factor Survey, the National Immunization Survey, the National Children’s Study (NCS), and the First 5 LA Family Survey. She has co-authored papers and presentations on topics such as multimode survey design, MCBS COVID-19 data collection, and the use of administrative data to reduce burden in facility data collection.
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University of Minnesota
Wesleyan University
Project Contributions
"Improving Estimates of Opioid Prescriptions Filled in the Medicare Population Using Self Reports and Part D Claims Matching"
Working Paper | April 8, 2024
opens in new tab“Exploring the Impacts of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Medicare Beneficiaries’ Early COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake”
Journal Article | March 1, 2024
opens in new tab"Integrating Administrative Data with Survey-Collected Data to Reduce Burden in Establishment Data Collection."
Journal Article | August 26, 2019
"Using Administrative Data Proactively to Aid in Data Collection for New Respondent Panels for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey."
Journal Article | August 30, 2017
opens in new tab"The Use of Targeted Lists to Enhance Sampling Efficiency in Address-Based Sample Designs: Age, Race, and Other Qualities."
Journal Article | July 26, 2014
opens in new tab"A Matter of Time: The Value and Optimal Timing of Follow-Up Questionnaire Mailings in a Multimode Survey."
Journal Article | August 4, 2013