Audra K. Grant
Audra has nearly 20 years of experience in over 20 countries in Africa, providing policy and program advice to agencies within the U.S. Government and numerous international donors. She conducts research and evaluation in fragile, post-conflict, and conflict-affected settings focusing on violent extremism, conflict, illicit trade, and corruption.
Her work also considers how women, girls, and youth are affected by instability, terrorism, crisis, institutional development, and change. Audra, who has a background in both advanced qualitative and quantitative methodologies, also has worked on the above issues extensively in the Middle East as well as Asia. Her recent projects include:
- Strengthening Community Resilience to Counter Violent Extremism in Northern Côte d’Ivoire
- Conflict and Fragility Assessment: Forms of Violence among Youth in Tanzania
- Understanding China’s Soft Power Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Burundi Civil Society Organization Capacity Assessment
- Deradicalization in the U.S.: An Evaluability Assessment of Parents for Peace
- CARE Cocoa Sustainability Initiative for Women’s Empowerment in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana
- Gender-based Violence Learning Agenda
- Assessing Progress in Reducing Child Labor in Cocoa Growing Areas of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana
- Illicit Trade and Rule of Law in Southern Africa
Audra was formerly at RAND and the Department of State. She is a former professor at Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco and is currently an adjunct professor at the George Washington University.
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University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Northwestern University