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A leader in strengthening global development efforts.

Solving the world’s most vexing development problems requires policies built on data, not wishful thinking. NORC’s International Programs department generates evidence and supports the use of evidence to inform development efforts in 100+ countries. 

INPRO has extensive experience in mixed methods impact and performance evaluation as well as assessments, evidence reviews, performance monitoring, research translation, and learning. Our expertise ranges from sexual violence and education to democracy and governance, land tenure, food insecurity, and counter-trafficking in persons.

International Programs Experts

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The scope of our work is as wide as the world around us.

Child Labor Grows in Certain Areas of Cocoa Production

NORC Article

Almost 1.5 million children are engaged in hazardous child labor on cocoa farms in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana.

Low Reading Skills and Violence Continue in Uganda’s Schools

NORC Article

After a five-year initiative to improve early-grade reading and reduce school-related gender-based violence, challenges remain despite some gains.

US-Colombia Child Protection Compact Partnership Study

A comprehensive examination of four types of child trafficking


U.S. Department of State

Ukraine Monitoring & Learning Support

Providing top quality performance monitoring, GIS services, media monitoring, and surveys


U.S. Agency for International Development
