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Greg Haugan

Research Scientist
Greg specializes in quantitative research on conflict and security, governance, education, and rural development.

Greg has over 10 years of experience in evaluation design, advanced analysis, and data visualization with a focus on conflict, crime, governance, education, and rural development. Greg’s skills combine econometric methods, statistical programming, geospatial analysis, survey and sampling design, and quality assurance for primary data collection.

Greg has worked on many projects across Latin America and Africa, with additional work in Asia, Eastern Europe, and the United States. Currently, he is directing a randomized control trial evaluation of USAID’s Littorals Regional Initiative in Northern Ghana, aimed at reducing conflict between farmers and cattle herders. He previously conducted sampling design, cluster-randomized treatment assignment, and econometric analysis for an evaluation of Voices for Peace in Burkina Faso, aimed at reducing violent extremism. In Colombia, he led evaluation design, sampling, questionnaire design, analysis, and report writing for an evaluation of Land for Prosperity, a program seeking to improve land tenure security in rural areas. He has deep experience supporting primary data collection activities, including for education projects using Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) to measure reading skills. This includes leading enumerator training for the Literary Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) in Uganda; providing data quality assurance and impact analysis for the Early Grade Reading Program in Nepal; and leading data quality assurance and data analysis for the Let Girls Learn AMAA program in Malawi.

Prior to joining NORC, Greg was a research fellow at the Inter-American Development Bank. He also lived in Colombia for eight years, where he was a teacher at the high school and university levels, while also working as a graduate research assistant at Universidad de Los Andes. Greg is fluent in Spanish.



Universidad de Los Andes


James Madison University

Honors & Awards

Juan Luis Londoño Award for Best Master’s Thesis in Economics | 2015

Universidad de Los Andes, Faculty of Economics

Project Contributions

Democracy, Human Rights & Governance: Learning, Evaluation & Research Activity

Generating and promoting the use of data, evidence, and learning to inform DRG programming worldwide


U.S. Agency for International Development

Communications, Evidence & Learning Project

Strengthening the evidence base for effective land and resource governance


U.S. Agency for International Development