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Ingrid Rojas

Senior Research Scientist
Ingrid conducts studies as well as performance and impact evaluations worldwide.

Ingrid has more than 10 years of experience managing and conducting research projects in the Arabian Peninsula, Caucasus region, Central Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Southern Africa, West Africa, and East Africa. Her expertise includes studies and evaluations in various sectors, including labor, education, health, agriculture, transport, telecommunications, electricity, water and sanitation, governance, security, justice, human trafficking, gender-based violence (GBV), and at-risk youth.

Ingrid has experience in:

  • Designing data collection instruments
  • Programming surveys
  • Training enumerators
  • Overseeing data collection
  • Performing data quality review
  • Conducting econometric analysis
  • Drafting reports
  • Anonymizing datasets for public release

For the mixed-methods Portfolio Performance Evaluation of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Gender-Based Violence programming in 19 countries, Ingrid supervised and reviewed the work of other team members, drafted reports, and conducted client presentations. She additionally estimated the prevalence of child labor and assessed the effectiveness of activities aimed at reducing child labor in Ghana and Ivory Coast.

For a security and justice project evaluation, Ingrid traveled to El Salvador to train enumerators and met with the General Attorney’s office to discuss a protocol for sharing administrative data. As a result, the team was able to use information from the Public Prosecutor Automated Information Management System.

Before joining NORC, Ingrid conducted the long-term impact evaluation of a conditional cash transfer program as a Research Associate at Georgetown University. While at APOYO Consultoria in Peru, she prepared guidelines and trained public servants of 18 social protection programs on the Logical Framework methodology. The final products were presented to Congress and published by the Prime Minister’s Office. Among other publications before joining NORC, Ingrid published a book chapter on measuring digital poverty.

Ingrid is a native Spanish speaker and fluent in English.

Project Contributions

Democracy, Human Rights & Governance: Learning, Evaluation & Research Activity

Generating and promoting the use of data, evidence, and learning to inform DRG programming worldwide


U.S. Agency for International Development

Democratic Backsliding and Authoritarian Resurgence in Latin America

Assessing different aspects of democratic backsliding in Latin American countries

Final Evaluation of the Salud Mesoamerica Initiative

Using mixed methods to evaluate a Latin American health sector financing program


Inter-American Development Bank

LARA Performance and Impact Evaluation in Uganda

Evaluating an early-grade reading and violence reduction program on learning and retention


U.S. Agency for International Development

Latin America & Caribbean Democracy, Rights & Governance Learning Agenda

Identifying evidence gaps and strategic priorities to promote targeted learning


U.S. Agency for International Development

Reading & Access Evaluations

Generating evidence to inform USAID’s early grade reading and access to education programs


U.S. Agency for International Development

Women’s Political Participation and Leadership

Enhancing USAID’s understanding of women’s political participation and leadership around the globe


U.S. Agency for International Development