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Tanzania Data for Development Activity

2HA373Y the Harbor in the City of Daressalam in Tanzania.  Tanzania, Dar es Salam , October, 2004
Improving education, health, poverty, governance, and economic development
  • Client
    U.S. Agency for International Development
  • Dates
    2017 – 2021


USAID needs data and analysis to optimize outcomes for its programs in Tanzania. 

Poor infrastructure hinders economic growth in Tanzania and other East African countries, and entrenched political systems often hold back efforts to promote democracy. The region is flush with natural resources but weak in agricultural efficiency. A growing youth population poses a challenge to anti-poverty efforts and overall stability. Poor health care and the specter of violent extremism are also challenges. Meanwhile, major global powers look to the region with a variety of interests and motives. USAID supports a number of aid programs meant to address these issues, but it needed actionable data to determine which programs are effective and which must be adjusted and to apply that learning to future projects.


NORC conducted dozens of evaluations, engaging local experts and partners in data collection, analysis, and dissemination.

  • As a major partner on this project, we led or participated in dozens of evaluations and assessments, supplied capacity building to local organizations, and provided geographic information systems (GIS) services to USAID.
  • The evaluations and assessments covered a range of sectors, including education, health, youth, and infrastructure, which shed light on effective approaches and suggested recommendations for mid-course corrections or future programming.
  • We trained local organizations and government agencies, as well as USAID and its implementing partners, in data visualization, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and enumerator training.
  • We also provided an activity location interactive dashboard that facilitated query of sub-thematic areas and analysis of “who, where, and what” to improve planning and coordination.


USAID projects in Tanzania are making a difference. 

Our evaluation of a Tanzanian organization's efforts to seek justice for marginalized communities played a significant role in lobbying for changes in important pieces of legislation. Other high-impact examples included:

  • Helping the Tanzania mission understand the trajectory and impact of COVID-19 on the country's population and economy and act accordingly
  • Reviewing Tanzanian water policy, which improved the government's understanding of the country's abundant yet rapidly declining water resources
  • Evaluating a USAID-funded HIV prevention program, confirming that it was successfully meeting its objectives

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U.S. Agency for International Development