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Gillian Lawrence

Senior Research Director
Gillian designs and executes scalable program and data collection operations by harnessing expertise in data collection methods, information design, training, and operational innovation.

Gillian oversees program implementation and large-scale data collection from conception through execution in the health and healthcare space. She brings together her professional training and experience in public health, information design, and user experience design with 17 years of experience managing large research endeavors and programs to tackle emerging projects and challenges. Gillian works with clients to design innovative solutions to data collection operations, information management systems, program implementation, and training. Her expertise spans a variety of topics and tools (including expertise in web-based data collection, remote training, information architecture, and technical communication) allowing her to provide broad range of support to projects. 

Most recently, Gillian led NORC’s COVID-19 Contact Tracing program for the state of Maryland, working closely with the Maryland Department of Health. Gillian oversaw all aspects of program operations including remote training of contact tracers, contact tracing operations, information management system updates, data management, and analytics.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gillian led program implementation for the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP) for Antibiotic Stewardship program in partnership with Johns Hopkins University. Throughout three cohorts in different healthcare settings, Gillian led: website development; data collection; and implementation of three year-long educational webinar programs. She also coordinated the work of three QIN-QIO partner organizations; and developed program participation and engagement metrics.

Gillian previously served as data collection lead for the National Children’s Study (NCS) Central Regional Operations Center (ROC), and has led numerous survey data collection efforts for government and foundation clients. 

Prior to her work at NORC, Gillian worked in a variety of research settings including clinical, community-based, and academic.



University of Minnesota


University of Minnesota

Honors & Awards

President’s Award | 2020


Project Contributions

Maryland COVID-19 Contact Tracing

Quickly creating a state-of-the-art statewide program to track coronavirus cases


Maryland Department of Health

All of Us Participant & Partner Services Center

Providing subject matter expertise and secure technology for All of Us staff and participants


National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Statewide Health Information Network of New York’s Satisfaction Survey

Evaluating health care and community organizations’ use and opinions about the statewide health information network


New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC)

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)

The nation’s most comprehensive source of hospital care data


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

AHRQ’s National Nursing Home COVID-19 Coordinating Center

Connecting AHRQ’s nursing home safety initiatives and the nursing home quality improvement community


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

American Health Values Survey

Exploring U.S. adults’ attitudes and opinions on health and health equity


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


  • ​"Effects of Incentives on Reducing Response Bias in a Web Survey of Parents."

    Journal Article | August 26, 2018

    LeFauve, K.B., Rowan, K. Koepp, K. and Lawrence, G.
  • ​"Did it Work?: Findings from a Flu Pilot Study Using Interactive Voice Recording (IVR) and Live Interviewers."

    Journal Article | August 26, 2018

    Pineau, V.J., Skalland, B.J. and Lawrence, G.
  • ​"¿Hola or Hello? A Priori Assignment of Interview Language using Demographic Flags."

    Journal Article | August 26, 2013

    Li, Y., Murphy, W.E., Lawrence, G., Vanicek, J.S., Carris, K.L. and LeClere, F.B.