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Jason Boim

Senior Statistician
Jason provides expertise in statistical analysis, sampling, weighting, and data visualization.

Jason is a senior statistician in NORC’s Statistics & Data Science department with over 10 years of experience in statistical analysis, sampling, weighting, project management, and data visualization. 

Jason’s current work focuses on monitoring sample performance for the National Immunization Surveys and leading a team of statisticians to produce estimates on vaccination hesitancy for the CDC Covid Data Tracker dashboard. He also manages the project “Sampling Strategies for the National Agricultural Statistical Services”; a comprehensive assessment of NASS surveys to create a uniform sampling philosophy and provide NASS with short, medium, and long term recommendations.

Other projects that Jason has worked on include AP VoteCast, where he developed a new likely voter model and assisted in producing estimates for the 2020 primaries and general election; the Childhood Obesity Data Initiative (CODI), where he developed estimates for SDOH used in prevalence queries on obesity; and the Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey, where he designed a dynamic weighting program for a nationwide survey of public health workers.

Prior to joining NORC Jason worked for seven years at the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, managing a portfolio of $130 million in research grants for data science and economics.

Project Contributions

National Immunization Surveys (NIS)

One of the nation’s largest phone surveys and the gold standard for data on U.S. immunization rates


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases