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Lucy Rabinowitz Bailey

Pronouns: She/Her

Research Scientist

Lucy is a mixed-methods researcher and evaluator focused on health equity, mental health, and innovative models of care.

Lucy is a research scientist at NORC with over eight years of experience managing mixed-methods research program and policy evaluation projects on health care access and care delivery improvement. She brings extensive experience managing qualitative and quantitative primary and secondary data collection projects from start to finish, including identifying research objectives, establishing project plans, timelines and budgets, developing and testing hypotheses, overseeing literature reviews, surveys and evaluation research and analysis, managing teams of partners and staff, and producing reports, research papers, abstracts, manuscripts, presentations, and tools to drive actionable insights based on findings related to health equity and health system improvement.

She has led multiple projects for the California Health Care Foundation, including studies on the health care experiences and needs among Californians with low incomes, telehealth access and preferences, and health policy topics for the annual statewide policy poll. She currently manages the evaluation of the American Cancer Society’s Health Equity Initiative, an organizational and community-level effort to integrate health equity as a strategic priority and reduce health disparities in cancer screening, treatment, and survivorship by implementing strategies to reduce medical mistrust for colorectal cancer screening. She also led the formative and evaluation research for the How Right Now campaign to support mental health among vulnerable populations during COVID-19, an award-winning health communications campaign.

Before NORC, she worked as a research associate at the Center of Excellence for Children’s Behavioral Health at the Georgia Health Policy Center, where she managed the evaluation and technical assistance for a statewide school-based mental health program and facilitated cross-sector collaboration to improve the state’s System of Care for serving children and youth with behavioral health needs. She started her career in community health and clinical settings, working as a behavioral health case manager at a clinic in Atlanta and as a program associate coordinating care for health-related social needs at a large hospital in Oakland.

Project Contributions

How Right Now / Qué Hacer Ahora

A communication initiative to increase people’s resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Foundation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Listening to Californians with Low Incomes

A study documenting inequities exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic


California Health Care Foundation
