Michael Berning
Mike’s work at NORC involves strategic leadership and project support related to our work with the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) and the future National Secure Data Service (NSDS). Mike is currently supporting NORC in two NCSES projects. One of those projects is Models for a Data Concierge Service as part of the National Secure Data Service Demonstration (NSDS-D) Project. Mike led the development of NORC’s recommended approaches for providing a range of high-quality data concierge services to support data users in their pursuit of data for evidence-building research. His work has included the recommendation of two data concierge models. The other project that Mike is supporting is the Secure Test Environment development, which responds to NCSES requirements to support a demonstration of an eventual National Secure Data Service (NSDS). The project calls for developing a Secure Compute Environment Testbed (SCET) that will serve as baseline, replicable, and extensible architecture to facilitate secure data access by the widest possible range of users in the evidence-building ecosystem. Mike also contributed to lessons learned in a demonstration project that explored the contributions of Foreign-born Scientists and Engineers (FBSE). He is also contributing to two additional projects supporting NCSES. The demonstration track of the project defined as a data acquisition and outreach strategy to establish access to multiple sets of data. The data were linked as part of the project research track where those linkages will be used to better understand socio-economic outcomes of the FBSE universe.
Mike has decades of experience at various levels and types of government organizations. Much of that experience focuses on developing interagency agreements for data acquisition and contract vehicles for the purchase of services. As an Air Force Intelligence Officer, he oversaw data collection, analysis, and reporting efforts from worldwide locations and airborne platforms and served as an Air Force Intelligence RAND research fellow. As a program administrator for the Baltimore Office of Homeless Services, he negotiated terms with non-profit organizations for the purchase of homeless services. At the U.S. Census Bureau, he wrote and negotiated data acquisition agreements for administrative records and later oversaw the development and maintenance of almost 300 interagency agreements. He was also responsible for the staff charged with ingesting and processing of those data as they are placed for provisioning.
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University of Oklahoma
Masters Certificate in Project Management
George Washington University
University of Maryland
Honors & Awards
Gold Medal for Leadership on the 2020 Census Administrative Records Data Acquisition | 2020
Department of Commerce
Headquarters United States Air Force Intelligence RAND Research Fellow | 1988