Steven Pedlow
Steven is a principal statistician in the Statistics & Data Science department. He is the lead statistician on NORC’s area probability in-person interviewing projects, including the Survey of Consumer Finance (SCF), General Social Survey (GSS) and the AmeriSpeak recruitment of new panelists. Steven also has wide expertise in imputation, sample weighting, and sample design.
Steven has designed or consulted on every implementation of hot-deck and multiple imputation at NORC in the past fifteen years. This includes major projects like the Survey of Doctorate Recipients, the Residential Energy Consumption Survey, and multiple surveys under the National Immunization Survey (NIS) umbrella, as well as smaller projects that have used a simple hot-deck strategy. The NIS projects (the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs and the National Survey of Children’s Health) both used multiple imputation of poverty status with income ranges as well as income values (and missing values). Among his sample design work, Steven has designed the recruitment samples for NORC’s proprietary AmeriSpeak panel to use NORC’s 2010 National Sampling Frame and 2020 Master Sample. Lately, Steven has transitioned from simply QC’ing, fixing, and designing weights to teaching weighting, both internally at NORC and externally. He designed and has twice taught the first SDS/MQSS training class (Weighting at NORC) as well as teaching a half-day weighting course for CDC University and a two-day class for the Federal Reserve Board of Cleveland on weighting for the non-probability Small Business Credit Survey. Most recently, Steven has been improving the use of R-indicators to improve representativeness for the SCF and GSS.
Consulting work he started in graduate school has resulted in co-authorship for articles in Pediatrics, Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Anesthesia and Analgesia, and Journal of Vocational Education Research. Steven has also presented many varied papers to the American Statistical Association and American Association of Public Opinion Research, including such topics as post-Katrina control totals in New Orleans, linear programming to balance automatic case assignments for field interviewers, variance estimation for ordered categories, the impact of clustering on effective sample sizes, interviewer intervention for data quality, Benford’s Law to detect falsified cases, sampling undercoverage, and multiple imputation. Steven has also served the American Statistical Association’s Survey Research Methods Section as Newsletter Editor, Treasurer, and Publications Officer.
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University of Chicago
University of Michigan
Project Contributions
opens in new tab"Sample Design and Estimation in the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project: Round 3 (2015–2016)."
Journal Article | January 24, 2022
opens in new tab"Accuracy in Contact Information for Website Registrations."
Journal Article | June 13, 2019
opens in new tab"Household Survey on Tribal Lands: Frame Building through Rural Address-Based Sampling and Traditional Enumeration."
Journal Article | April 4, 2018
opens in new tab"Design and Operation of the National Survey of Children’s Health, 2011-2012."
Project Report | August 10, 2017
opens in new tab"Bias Reduction through Rural Coverage for the AmeriSpeak Panel."
Journal Article | November 8, 2016
opens in new tab"Using Propensity Scores to Inform Respondent Incentive Escalation."
Journal Article | July 23, 2016
opens in new tab"Encouraging Early Participation in a Lengthy Survey that Collects Sensitive Personal Data: Do Large Monetary Incentives Make a Difference?"
Journal Article | July 26, 2015
opens in new tab"Design and Operation of the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs, 2009-2010."
Project Report | November 19, 2014