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Certified Wellness Coach Media Campaign Research & Evaluation

A man holding a pad of paper talks to a small group of teen girls
Informing a communication strategy to increase California’s youth behavioral health workforce
  • Client
    California Department of Health Care Access and Information
  • Dates
    June 2023 – October 2025


Nearly half of California’s youth are struggling with their mental health and well-being.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of childhood and adolescent anxiety and depression rose drastically. School-based therapists reported long waiting lists and increased fighting and behavioral issues. 

In 2021, the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative established a multi-year, multi-department investment seeking to reimagine the systems that support behavioral health for all California's children, youth, and their families. One solution was to establish Certified Wellness Coaches (CWCs) in educational and after school environments statewide.  

To support this effort, the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) sought to produce a marketing campaign to:

  • Increase visibility and awareness of the new CWCs
  • Recruit linguistically and culturally diverse candidates to the CWC workforce


NORC used pulse surveys to fuel message development and refinement.

In partnership with Wondros, NORC used quick-turnaround research methods to understand which emotional appeals might motivate someone to become a wellness coach as well as the unique aspects of the certified wellness coach role and to examine the user experience of applicants. 

Next, we will conduct in-depth interviews to capture the campaign's potential effects and to develop the evaluation instrument. And, by 2025, we will capture exposure to the campaign and outcome measures of that exposure by surveying professional audiences and conducting a time-series analysis of pulse survey responses. 

We will also conduct an evaluation survey to identify how well respondents recognize and recall campaign elements. Further, we will examine whether the campaign influenced audience behavior, public perceptions of the CWC role, and stigma toward mental health issues.


NORC’s research insights ensured an effective multimedia campaign. 

NORC’s surveys of employer and candidate audiences from 2023–2024 revealed that, overall, making a difference in communities and helping youth are compelling reasons to become a CWC. We also found that:

  • The experience of feeling passionate about the work is an emotional hook and professionals in similar roles are important spokespersons.
  • Uncertainty about the profession remains with a lack of clarity regarding how many positions will be available statewide.
  • HCAI should expand the degrees that qualify to become CWCs.

We shared these insights with HCAI and Wondros to help them refine the CWC media campaign. 

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