Indiana University’s P2P Health Interviews
Study Description & Goals
NORC at the University of Chicago provided information technology and statistical support for the Indiana University (IU) Person to Person Health Interview Study (P2P). The study involved interviewing Indiana residents about their social and physical environments, behaviors, and genetics in a face-to-face survey. The interviews also included physical measurements and a saliva sample. The study’s goal is to better understand how these factors affect a person's health. IU successfully interviewed over 2,700 adults in the state, including a supplement to oversample counties affected by the opioid crisis. P2P is part of the IU Grand Challenge Precision Health Initiative.
NORC’s Role
NORC’s role included designing the sampling strategy, monitoring production to inform sample releases, and calculating sample weights at the conclusion of the project. In addition, the IU interviewers used NORC data collection systems to conduct the household interviews. These systems collected data through computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and audio recording, as well as capturing photographs and barcodes. P2P staff also used NORC’s proprietary case management system to manage field activities, including case assignment and data collection monitoring.
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Project Leads
Kate Ballard LeFauve
Principal Research DirectorSenior Staff -
Ned English
Associate DirectorSenior Staff -
Colm O’Muircheartaigh
Senior FellowSenior Staff