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Innovations to Address Health Care Data Gaps

Medical Records on shelf in Doctors office
Supporting research on physicians and physician practices
  • Client
    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • Dates
    September 2020 – August 2022

NORC’s Role in Filling Research Data Gaps for AHRQ’s Health Care Policy and Clinical Practice Research

NORC conducted a data development initiative commissioned by AHRQ to fill a key research data gap: Physician and Physician Practice Research Databases (3P-RD). This initiative was aimed at supporting research on existing and emerging issues related to health care policy and clinical practice research while also complementing existing AHRQ resources.

The 3P-RD Initiative: Creating a Physician and Physician Practice Research Database

The 3P-RD initiative was a feasibility study aimed at creating a prototype physician and physician practice research database. Using available administrative data, the 3P-RD captured the census of active physicians and physician practices in a given state; the conditions for acquiring and using these data for AHRQ’s internal purposes; and the possibility of creating research databases from these data sources for public release. As part of this initiative, NORC conducted an environmental scan of available data sources for physician and physician practices, focusing primarily on administrative sources; designed and built a prototype database; and completed a feasibility study based on information from the environmental scan and the experience designing and building the prototype database. After evaluating and implementing this proof of concept, NORC identified options and provided recommendations for AHRQ’s consideration on how this prototype can be sustained as an established program.

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