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OPA Technical Assistance and Logistics Support

People at a conference listening to a speaker
Helping the Office of Population Affairs support its grantees
  • Client
    Office of Population Affairs
  • Dates
    September 2020 – Present


OPA has a wide range of diverse grantees who need support and technical assistance.

The Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Population Affairs (OPA) advances health throughout the reproductive lifespan by delivering innovative, evidence-based adolescent health and family planning programs, services, strategic partnerships, evaluations, and research. To achieve this mission, OPA provides grants to states, tribes, and local organizations aimed at preventing teen pregnancy, supporting expectant and parenting youth, offering family planning services, and implementing embryo adoption initiatives. OPA required technical and logistical resources to effectively monitor and support its network of approximately 170 grantees.


A centralized support system for comprehensive program assistance

OPA engaged NORC to lead the Technical Assistance and Logistics Support project, designed to support OPA’s mission of advancing reproductive health outcomes and promoting adolescent health and wellbeing. This project plays a critical role in ensuring the effective administration of key OPA programs, including the Title X Family Planning Program, the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, and the Embryo Adoption Awareness and Services Program. The project involves a comprehensive set of activities aimed at enhancing OPA’s capacity to deliver high-quality clinical services, evidence-based programs, and rigorous evaluation efforts.

  • Meeting planning and facilitation: Organizing and conducting orientations, meetings, conferences and events that bring together OPA’s grantees, stakeholders, and partners to share insights, foster collaboration, and inform policy discussions on reproductive health and adolescent well-being
  • Expert engagement: Identifying and involving subject matter experts to contribute specialized knowledge, ensuring that OPA programs are informed by the latest research and best practices in family planning, adolescent health, and other population-related issues
  • Data collection: Supporting the rigorous collection and analysis of program data, enabling OPA to make evidence-based decisions and continuously improve the effectiveness of its programs
  • Identification and development of performance measures: Establishing performance metrics to evaluate the success and impact of OPA’s programs, ensuring alignment with the agency’s strategic goals in reproductive health and adolescent health
  • Professional development training: Providing training and capacity-building opportunities for OPA’s grantees and staff, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to implement innovative and evidence-based programs
  • Literature reviews and program evaluations: Conducting thorough reviews of current research and program outcomes to inform OPA’s policy recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Assistant Secretary for Health on a wide range of population health topics, including family planning and adolescent health


NORC has delivered literature reviews, facilitated grantee meetings, hosted technical expert panels, conducted program reviews, and provided professional training.

NORC continues to conduct comprehensive literature reviews on critical topics related to family planning, teen pregnancy prevention, and adolescent health. These reviews provide in-depth analysis and insights to inform ongoing program development and policy recommendations.

In addition, NORC organizes and facilitates a wide range of virtual and in-person meetings, as well as technical expert panel discussions. These forums are designed to foster collaboration, support sustainability efforts, and improve overall program effectiveness within the Title X and Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) program portfolios, ensuring that all stakeholders are well-equipped to achieve program goals.

Specifically, NORC is responsible for overseeing the logistics management of OPA’s bi-annual Title X and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Grantee Conferences. These large-scale events, which attract an average of 400+ attendees ranging from OPA grantees, staff, Federal partners, and training partners serve as crucial gatherings for information sharing, networking, and capacity building, helping to strengthen the impact of OPA’s programs and initiatives on a national scale.

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