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Providing reliable insights on what Americans think and feel.

Society changes over time, in ways that are often subtle and sometimes sudden. The Center for the Study of Politics & Society is keeping track.

The Center’s National Data Program for the Social Sciences (NDPSS) conducts two highly respected surveys—the General Social Survey (GSS), NORC’S longest-running project, and the International Social Survey Program (ISSP), a comparative effort that extends to 40-plus other countries. Together, they maintain NORC’s lead in understanding people’s beliefs and practices.

Specifically, the NDPSS has three primary purposes:

  • Gathering data on American society in order to monitor and explain trends and constants in attitudes, behaviors, and attributes.
  • Gaining fresh perspectives on American society by comparing the United States to other societies, and developing cross-national models of understanding human society.
  • Making high-quality data easily accessible to scholars, students, and others with minimal cost and waiting.

Center Lead

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As Americans’ social and political outlook evolves, NORC remains consistent and resolute in monitoring it.

The Nation’s Longest-Running Social Survey Adapts to the Pandemic

NORC Article

Like many American institutions, the General Social Survey (GSS) faced some tough challenges recently.

More Americans Turn Their Backs on Organized Religion

NORC Article

Nearly a third of Americans identifiy as being spiritual rather than religious, a shift from 18.5 percent to 33 percent over two decades.
