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Petry S. Ubri

Senior Research Scientist
Petry has expertise in health equity, Medicaid policy, and culturally responsive and participatory research and evaluation.

Petry has over a decade of experience leading and conducting qualitative and mixed methods research, including program evaluation and policy analysis projects. Her work focuses on health equity, social drivers of health, and Medicaid policy. She has extensive experience using participatory and culturally responsive research and evaluation to underrepresented communities in research and evaluation. Petry also regularly lead interviews and focus groups in both English and Spanish.

Petry serves project director on a project supporting the Minnesota Department of Human Services in conducting a community-engaged evaluation of its home and community-based services assessment process and for a project with the Health Resources and Services Administration developing an updated Strategy and an Implementation Framework to prevent and address IPV. She is also the project manager for NORC’s evaluation of the Morehouse School of Medicine’s National COVID-19 Resiliency Network, which provides culturally and linguistically appropriate information to priority populations in communities disproportionately-impacted by COVID-19. Petry also serves as qualitative lead on an evaluation of the American Cancer Society’s efforts to integrate health equity into its organization and select communities implementing projects to address social determinants of health. In addition, Petry serves as implementation lead on the Women’s Health Needs Study, a community-engaged multi-site study to understand the health needs of women from countries with a high prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting.

Petry also worked as a policy analyst at the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Program for Medicaid and the Uninsured. In this capacity, she conducted policy analysis and developed policy briefs, fact sheets, and infographics on issues related to Medicaid/CHIP, immigration, and homelessness.



Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Project Contributions

American Cancer Society’s Efforts to Advance Health Equity

A mixed-methods evaluation of efforts to integrate health equity throughout the organization and within selected communities


American Cancer Society

AstraZeneca Foundation Evaluation & Technical Assistance

Supporting the AstraZeneca Foundation’s new health equity program


AstraZeneca Foundation

A Study of Women’s Health Needs in the U.S.

A major study of women in the U.S. from countries with high rates of female genital mutilation


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Reproductive Health

Community-Engaged Research on Gambling in Massachusetts

Understanding the impacts of gambling and sports betting on communities in Massachusetts


Massachusetts Gaming Commission

Documentation of Social Need in 2018 Medicaid Data

Analysis of Medicaid T-MSIS data to understand how well recipients’ social needs are documented


NORC at the University of Chicago

Evaluation of Minnesota’s Home & Community-Based Services Assessment Process

Community-engaged evaluation to understand disparities in Minnesota's home and community-based services (HCBS) assessment process


Minnesota Department of Human Services

Evaluation of the National COVID-19 Resiliency Network

Evaluation of multi-racial/ethnic and multi-sectoral network addressing the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on priority populations


DHHS Office of Minority Health

Framework for Advancing Health Equity in Medicaid

Helping states improve health care for diverse populations


NORC at the University of Chicago

HRSA Strategy to Address Intimate Partner Violence

Updating the federal government’s strategy for addressing and responding to intimate partner violence


Health Resources and Services Administration

Medicaid Managed Care Organization Learning Hub

Working with insurance plans, providers, and patient advocates to improve Medicaid equity and outcomes


MolinaCares Accord

Medicaid Section 1115 Demonstration Management and Evaluation

Ensuring states’ evaluations are scientifically valid and inform progress in meeting CMS goals


Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

Patient-Driven Research Community Learning Network

A learning network to enhance and sustain PDRCs that enable research prioritized by the communities they serve


Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

Public Health Workforce Capacity for Disaster Response

A rapid needs assessment to understand local workforce needs for disaster response and recovery


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Support for CDC’s 6|18 Initiative

Engaging state health agencies to adopt 6|18 Initiatives that improve population health


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

UCLA Data Equity Center Technical Assistance

Supporting collection, imputation, weighting, analysis, and dissemination of data to promote health equity


University of California, Los Angeles, Data Equity Center

Understanding Health Equity Data Collection in Medicaid

How state Medicaid agencies and health plans are collecting data to advance health equity



Understanding the Importance of Consistent Medicaid Coverage

A pandemic moratorium on Medicaid disenrollment allows for a unique study


Association for Community Affiliated Plans
