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Patient-Driven Research Community Learning Network

Mid adult nurse helps a senior man fill out a medical form as he waits to be seen by a doctor.
A learning network to enhance and sustain PDRCs that enable research prioritized by the communities they serve
  • Funder
    Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
  • Dates
    August 2019 – January 2022


The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) sought to create a learning network of patient-drive research communities (PDRC).

In its strategic plan, the PCORI articulated three goals for patient and stakeholder engagement in research:

  • Develop a community skilled in patient-centered outcomes research.

  • Engage the patient and stakeholder community in the research process.

  • Engage the community in dissemination.

To meet these goals, PCORI funded the Patient/Participant-Driven Research Community Learning Network (PDRC LN). A PDRC is defined as an organization or group of individuals or organizations that is led or governed by patients, participants, and caregivers. A PDRC’s primary purpose is to enable research that is a priority to the communities they serve. 


NORC and our partner AcademyHealth led the PDRC LN.

The PDRC LN launched in August 2019 with eight PPRN Engagement Awardees (PPRN EAs) and an aim to share and synthesize knowledge that would advance the role of PDRCs in clinical and care delivery research. 

Learning network activities included monthly calls that served as a forum for the LN to share lessons and workshop challenges, bimonthly online seminars that brought in external experts, and annual virtual meetings of network members. 

Additionally, NORC facilitated three workgroups related to key PDRC priorities around representativeness, sustainability, and digital engagement. 

Finally, NORC conducted a landscape assessment, which included a review of peer-reviewed and gray literature on patient-driven research, identification and categorization of potential PDRCs in the field, and key informant interviews with different types of PDRCs. 


This project, which ended in January 2022, resulted in a number of key deliverables to support the learning network. 

Deliverables from this project include:

Project Leads

Explore NORC Health Projects

PACE Market Assessment: For-Profit Expansion

Analyzing the impact of for-profit organizations on a program to care for elderly people in their homes


Arnold Ventures

Support for the Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program

Technical assistance for efforts to transform the understanding of Parkinson’s genetics


Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP)