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Semilla is a skilled researcher with experience in complex data management, analysis, and reporting.

Semilla is a research scientist with the Public Affairs & Media Research Department. During her time at NORC, she has worked on both small- and large-scale projects covering a wide variety of topics. She has worked with a broad range of stakeholders and is well versed in clearly communicating statistical findings to diverse audiences. 

Semilla is experienced in managing complex data sets on high-profile projects. She is lead data analyst on data delivery for AP VoteCast, an innovative and more reliable survey of the American electorate, and helps execute the rapid, continuous data delivery of over 120,000 interviews on Election Night for use in news coverage nationwide. She is also key staff on the multi-wave data delivery for the Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife Associated Recreation. In addition to data delivery and as part of a commitment to transparency of methods and results, she helps to develop publicly available post-election reporting and data files for both projects. 

Semilla has also helped lead several quick turnaround projects for the AP-NORC Center and its partners, including the Long-Term Care Poll and the UChicago Harris/AP-NORC Poll. She has been project manager and lead analyst on The AP-NORC/EPIC poll, a series of polls that track how Americans view climate change and the surrounding policies. As part of this work, she connects subject matter experts with NORC researchers and AP reporters to develop and disseminate the research. 

Semilla currently serves on the executive council of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR) as treasury secretary. She is also an active member of the national chapter (AAPOR) and regularly presents at both conferences.  

Project Contributions

Survey of Fishing, Hunting & Wildlife-Associated Recreation

Streamlining, economizing, and increasing the reach of a venerable national survey


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

AP-NORC/EPIC Poll on Climate and Energy Policy

Respondents in a 2021 poll were increasingly convinced about the science of climate change


Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago
